The Office of Tribhuvan University Service Commission (TUSC) has issued a Notice regarding the call for applications to fill employee posts.
Since the following administrative/technical posts are to be filled up for promotion, internal and open/inclusive, promotion through competition, and permanent posts for various bodies under Tribhuvan University, Nepali citizens who have met the qualifications as per the provisions of the Regulations on Employee Appointment and Recommendation for Promotion, 2073 (with amendments up to 20 Mangsir 20, 2081) are invited to apply online from 2081/10/23 to 2081/11/17 by 12:00 PM (by paying double the fee by 2081/12/05 by 12:00 PM) as per the decision of the Commission through the Online Application posted on the TU Service Commission website www.tusc.tu.edu.np.
No action will be taken on applications received after the deadline that does not follow the procedure.
The Regulations on Recommendation of Appointment and Promotion of Employees, 2073 (with amendments up to 20 Mangsir 20, 2081) have been placed on the Commission's website.
Additional Information:
1. Special Notice Regarding Advertisement:- The advertisement notice has been published as per the Tribhuvan University Teachers and Employees Service Rules 2050, as per the Federal Civil Service Act issued according to the writ order issued by the Honorable Supreme Court on Writ No. 078-WO-0660, including the number of posts determined for inclusive groups.
2. Application Fee: Officer Special Rs. 3,500/-, Officer First Rs. 3,200/-, Officer Second Rs. 3,000/- For each additional inclusive group, a 20 percent additional fee must be paid through the online system. Once paid, the fee will not be refunded.
3. Only employees working permanently in a post one grade below the post to be promoted in the concerned service group for at least 5 years will be eligible for promotion based on performance, promotion based on seniority, and performance evaluation and participation in internal competition.
Published Date: 2081/10/23