Nikshep Tatha Karja Surakshan Kosh Written Exam Results and Interview Notice 2081
Deposit and Credit Insurance Fund, Tangal, Kathmandu Information regarding written examination results, computer skill test, and interview. As per the advertisement published in Nikshep Tatha Karja Surakshan Kosh dated 2081/02/04, the results of the written examination conducted by the Public Service Commission for various posts have been published as follows.
This notice is published for the information of all concerned to appear at the Fund's central office, Tangal, Kathmandu, one hour before the specified time with the original copies of documents, including Nepali citizenship certificate, educational qualification certificate, and admission letter.
Even if the day of the interview falls on a public holiday, the interview will be conducted as usual.
Notice publication date: 2081/10/14