NEB Class 12 Exam Application Form for Regular and Partial Students 2081

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NEB Class 12 Exam Form Applicaiton 2081

NEB Class 12 Examination Application Form for Regular and Partial Students 2081

Government of Nepal, National Examination Board (NEB), Examination Control Office (Class 11 and 12), Sanothimi, Bhaktapur Notice Regarding Filling Out the Examination Application Form for Regular and Partial Students of Class 12

1. Background: Students studying at secondary schools/campuses affiliated with teaching classes 11 and 12 who wish to participate in the annual examination of class 12 to be held in 2082 BS must submit their examination application forms and exam fees as per the schedule mentioned in the annual academic calendar of the National Examination Board.

2. Important Dates:

  • Regular Application Deadline: Submit the examination fee by the end of Poush 2081.

  • Late Application Deadline: Students who missed the regular deadline can submit their fees with a late fee by the 15th of Magh 2081.

3. Application Form Submission: Schools/campuses should collect the filled application forms from the students and submit them along with the bank voucher or digital payment proof to the respective offices of the National Examination Board by the 30th of Magh 2081.

4. Eligibility Criteria:

  • Regular Students: Must have received a minimum of D in theory and C in internal assessment/practical in all subjects of class 11.

  • Partial Students: Must fill out the application form only for subjects in which they received NG (Not Graded) or were absent (Abs).

5. Examination Fees:

  • Regular Fee: NPR 600 per student.

  • Late Fee: NPR 1200 per student.

  • Practical Exam Fee: NPR 75 per subject.

6. Payment Method:

  • Fees can be deposited directly into the National Examination Board’s account at the Nepal Bank Limited or paid via the provided payment gateways (Connect IPS, e-Sewa, Khalti, IMEpay, RBB mobile banking). Digital payment proofs must be submitted with the application form.

7. Examination Center: Students must take the exam at the assigned center. Examination centers will not be changed.

8. Additional Instructions:

  • Regular and partial students must sit for exams from the same center.

  • Students must fill out the application form themselves. Schools will facilitate the online entry of details.

9. Practical Exams:

  • External examiners will be assigned for certain subjects like Physics, Biology, Chemistry, Computer Science, and Hotel Management. Practical exams for these subjects must be coordinated with the respective office of the National Examination Board by the end of Falgun 2081 and completed by the end of Chaitra 2081.

  • Other subjects' practical exams must also be completed within the same timeframe.

10. Submission:

  • The hard and soft copies of the students' scores should be submitted to the respective offices by the 15th of Baishakh 2082.

11. Miscellaneous:

  • Fees must be deposited using bank vouchers or online payment proofs only within the stipulated time frame.

  • The National Examination Board has issued this notice to inform and ensure compliance by all concerned secondary schools/campuses.

Examination Controller

NEB Class 12 Exam Application Form for Regular and Partial Students 2081

NEB Class 12

NEB - National Examinations Board

Sanothimi, Bhaktapur

Estd. 1990



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