Central Department of Statistics, Tribhuvan University , Kirtipur, Kathmandu

PhD in Statistics

Affiliated To: Tribhuvan University (TU)



Course Level



3 Years

Study Mode

Full Time




UGC Approved


Overview of Ph.D. in Statistics at Central Department of Statistics, Tribhuvan University

Course Overview

The Ph.D. program in Statistics offered at the Central Department of Statistics, Tribhuvan University, is designed for individuals seeking a career in teaching, research, and advanced knowledge in the field of Science and Technology. The program focuses on developing a high standard of academic excellence and contributing to scientific theory and/or experimentation through original research.

Time Requirement

  • Full-time researcher: The Ph.D. thesis for full-time researchers is submitted after the completion of three years of registration. However, exceptional work demonstrated through standard publications may allow submission after two years of registration. Failure to submit the thesis within five years of registration will result in automatic cancellation.
  • Part-time researchers: The Ph.D. thesis for part-time researchers is submitted after completion of five years from the date of registration. The thesis must be submitted within seven years of registration. Failure to submit the thesis within the specified time will result in automatic cancellation. This rule also applies to part-time researchers enrolled before the amendment of regulations of the Ph.D. program in 2071.

Fees Structure

For detailed information about the fees structure, it is recommended to contact the administration office of the Central Department of Statistics, Tribhuvan University.


If a candidate has substantially worked but failed to submit the thesis within the specified time, they can request re-registration on the same topic and under the same supervisor. Re-registration can be obtained by submitting a fresh application to the Central Department within one month of the expiration of registration. The candidate can submit the thesis within two years of re-registration for full-time researchers and three years for part-time researchers. Failure to submit the thesis within the specified time will result in automatic cancellation. The fee for re-registration is double the normal registration fee.


To be eligible for enrollment and registration in the Ph.D. program in Statistics at the Central Department of Statistics, Tribhuvan University, candidates must:

  • Have secured at least a second division in MA/M.Sc. in Statistics from Tribhuvan University or any other university recognized by Tribhuvan University.


Enrollment and Registration:

  • Interested candidates must apply to the concerned Central Department, stating their research topic.
  • The application form and processing charge can be obtained from the Central Department of the Institute of Science and Technology (IOST) during the months of January and July.
  • The application must include a research proposal, CVs of the candidate, supervisor, and co-supervisors (if applicable), a list of publications, recommendation of the supervisor, a no-objection letter from the employer, and an assurance letter of study leave (for full-time research candidates).
  • The Central Department Research Committee (CDRC) evaluates the research proposal and application, and the candidate must defend the proposal to demonstrate adequate knowledge in the proposed field of study.
  • The CDRC certifies that the subject can be pursued within the department or any other relevant department or research center of Tribhuvan University or any other recognized research institute.
  • The application, along with necessary attachments, is recommended by the CDRC to the Research Committee of IOST for registration into the Ph.D. program.
  • The Research Committee of IOST approves the recommendation and informs the concerned individuals about the decision within two months.
  • The candidate receives provisional registration for one year from the Dean's Office. The candidate must prove their research ability within this period to be considered a Ph.D. student.
  • The title of the Ph.D. thesis is provisional at the time of registration and is finalized six months before the thesis submission, approved by the Research Committee after the CDRC's recommendation.
  • The candidate must pay the registration and other fees determined by the Research Committee of IOST before registration.
  • Attendance in courses/seminars organized by the Central Department Research Committee (CDRC) is mandatory for Ph.D. students.
  • During the Ph.D. research period, the student should not undertake any additional responsibilities without the approval of the CDRC and the supervisor.
  • Enrolling in any other degree program during the Ph.D. research period is not permitted.
  • Violation of regulations or unsatisfactory progress may result in the cancellation of a Ph.D. candidate's registration.

Research Center for Applied Science and Technology (RECAST)

The Research Center for Applied Science and Technology (RECAST) can conduct Ph.D. programs under the research guidelines of IOST. RECAST forwards Ph.D. applications and theses to IOST, and the opinion of the concerned CDRC may be taken into consideration.

Note: The provided information is based on general knowledge and practices. It is recommended to visit the official website or contact the administration office for the most accurate and up-to-date information.

Contact Details of Central Department of Statistics, Tribhuvan University, Kathmandu


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