Vacancy Announcement for Forest Technician at Lumbini Sanskritik Municipality

Vacancy 26 Mar 2023 1781

Government Job Vacancy in Nepal

Vacancy Announcement for Forest Technician at Lumbini Sanskritik Municipality

Lumbini Sanskritik Municipality, Municipal Executive Office in Lumbini, Rupandehi, Lumbini Province, Nepal has recently published a notification announcing a vacancy for the position of Forest Technician under the Forest Project for Prosperity (P 170798) operated by the Red Implementation Center. The Government of Nepal, Ministry of Forests and Environment will select the manpower through an open competitive method.


  • Advertisement No: 06/079/80
  • Type of Service and Duration: Contractual Service, up to 2080 Ashd end (extendable if the duration of the program is extended)
  • Post: Forest Technician
  • Number of Posts: 1 (One)

Minimum Educational Qualification:

Certificate Level or Diploma in Forestry with at least 3 years of experience or Graduation in Forestry.

Required Documents:

Copy of Nepali Citizenship, Personal Details (Bio Data), Certificate of Educational Qualification, Experience Certificates, and Bank Voucher or Cash Receipt of the revenue paid for the examination fee.

  • Age: Completed 18 years and not exceeding 45 years
  • Mode of Examination: Short List Publication and Interview.
  • Exam Fee: Rs. 1000/-
  • Exam Date: It will be published after the application deadline.
  • Application Submission Place: Lumbini Cultural Municipality Office, Rupandehi.
  • Application Form: Available from Lumbini Sanskritik Municipality website:
  • Notice published date: 2079/12/12

If you are interested and meet the qualifications mentioned above, you can apply directly within 7 days from the date of publication of this notification. The application form can be obtained from the Lumbini Sanskritik Municipality website. You are required to submit the necessary documents along with the examination fee in the form of a bank voucher or cash receipt. The mode of examination will be through shortlisting and an interview. The exam date will be announced after the application deadline.

Government Job Job Vacancy Lumbini Pradesh Kapilvastu Karar Job Vacancy