Vacancy Announcement at High Himalaya Hydro Construction

Vacancy 19 Aug 2018 2997

High Himalaya Hydro Construction

Lower Likhu Hydro Power Project 28.1 MW is looking for the following positions


  • Sc. with 5 years or above experience in support design and logginemapping in the tunnel work.

Construction Manager

  • Civil Engineers: Bachelor or Master degree in civil engineering with construction knowledge of 5 years or above in hydro power construction (dam, tunnels).

Quality Control Engineer

  • E/M.Sc. with 5 years or above experience in concrete mix design and quality control.


  • Bachelors in Business Studies with at least 5 years or above of experience in accounting knowledge in tally.

If you are interested in applying for this position, please send a cv and cover letter by August 31, 2018 to [email protected] (Shortlisted candidate only will be called for interview.)

Email: [email protected]

High Himalaya Hydro-Bavari Construction JV
