UN-Habitat Nepal Job Vacancy Announcement

Vacancy 21 Sep 2018 2015

UN-Habitat Nepal

First date of Publication: 19 September 2018

UN-Habitat Nepal Office is now seeking two separate proposals from interested national non-governmental organizations registered in Nepal in implementing part of GLTN project "Support Land Reform in Nepal and Land Tenure Initiative in Asia-Pacific". The CFP is open for interested NGOs individually or in Joint Venture/ Consortium in one or both CFP with a formal intent to enter into an Agreement of Cooperation with UN-Habitat. We also seek application from interested qualified person to function as LIS Assistant on Individual Contract (IP) basis.

CFP (1) for "Support to Promotion of Fit-For-Purpose Land Administration Strategy" For TOR and details of the CFP, please download from

http://www.unhabitat.org.np/files/FFPLA.zip (Please type a full web address and is case sensitive)

CFP (2) for "Support to STDM based Municipal Informal Tenure Information System (MInTIS)" For TOR and details of the CFP, please download fromĀ http://www.unha bitat.org.np/files/M I NTIS.zip (Please type a full web address and is case sensitive)

One set hardcopy proposal and softcopy in pen-drive should be submitted at below-mentioned address by 3 October 2018, 5 P.M. Nepal Time.

UN House

C/O UN-Habitat

P.O. Box 107, Pulchowk, Kathmandu, NEPAL

A pre-bid meeting will be held at UN-Habitat Office at 10 A.M. on 24 September 2018. For any queries please email to [email protected]

VA for Land Information System (LIS) Assistant

For TOR and details of the CFP, please download from http://www.unhabitat.org.np/files/TOR_LIS_Assistant.pdf (Please type a full web address and is case sensitive)

Interested applicants are requested to submit their updated standard UNDP Personal History Form (P11) for project personnel http://un.orgenp/attachments/p11-form-project-personnel with covering letter no later than 03 October 2018 by email to [email protected] stating the position on the subject line.
