Training Institute for Technical Instruction (TITI) Vacancy for Executive Director

Vacancy 16 Feb 2024 1558

Training Institute for Technical Instruction

Training Institute for Technical Instruction (TITI) Vacancy Announces for Executive Director Positions

The Council for Technical Education and Vocational Training (CTEVT) is currently inviting applications for the role of Executive Director at its Training Institute for Technical Instruction (TITI), located in Madhyapur Thimi-2, Sanothimi, Bhaktapur. This is a golden opportunity for permanent employees within the CTEVT and its subsidiary offices, who have demonstrated a strong background in technical, management, or education disciplines and have accumulated significant experience in high-ranking positions.

Key Details and Application Process:

  • Position Available: Executive Director
  • Eligibility Criteria: Applicants must hold a minimum of a master's degree in a technical, management, or education field and possess at least one year of experience in a first-class official level within the CTEVT or its affiliated offices.
  • Application Deadline: Interested candidates are required to submit their applications within 30 days from the notice publication date. Should the final day fall on a public holiday, submissions will be accepted on the next working day.
  • Submission Location: Applications should be directed to the Chairman of the Management Committee, CTEVT, Sanothimi, Bhaktapur.
  • How to Apply: Detailed application instructions and the required document list are available on CTEVT's official website ( Applications, along with the necessary documents, should be emailed to [email protected] within the stipulated timeframe.

Documents Required for Application:

  1. A signed Curriculum Vitae (CV) following the specified format on the CTEVT website.
  2. Certified copies of academic qualifications (graduation level and above).
  3. Copies of relevant training certificates.
  4. Copy of the appointment letter to a first-class officer level position.
  5. Documentation proving expertise and work experience.
  6. Copies of published educational materials, research, and works.
  7. A letter detailing the transfer of responsibilities at the current level.

Additional Information:

The CTEVT has outlined the criteria for selecting the Executive Director, including the roles, responsibilities, and privileges associated with the position, on its website. This initiative is part of CTEVT's commitment to fostering excellence in technical education and vocational training through leadership that combines academic qualifications with practical experience.

For more details on the application process, eligibility criteria, and the selection process, interested candidates are encouraged to visit the CTEVT website.

Publication Date of First Issue: 2080/11/04

Government Job Job Vacancy CTEVT