Tinau Rural Municipality Vacancy for Health Assistant (HA)

Vacancy 12 Dec 2022 1835

Government Job Vacancy in Nepal

In the year 2079/080 Tinau rural municipality, Dhobhan, Palpa is required to fill the posts in the staff service contract for health institutions. Applications are invited from eligible candidates within 15 (post) days.

Position Level Required No.
Health Assistant (HA) 4th Level Assistant 3

Required Minimum Qualifications and Experience:

1) Educational Qualification:

(a) Passed Health Assistant Course from an educational institution recognized by Council for Technical Education and Vocational Training (CTEVT).

2) Age: At least 18 years and not exceeding 45 years.

3) Application Place: Tinau Rural Municipality Office, Dobhan, Palpa

4) the Last date to submit the application: 2079 / 09/11 inside the office!

5) Mode of Selection: Publication of preliminary merit list and interview.

6) The following copies certified by the applicant should be attached with the application:

a) Certified copy of citizenship

b) Copy of the certificate of attainment of minimum qualification

c) Copy of character certificate. Original opening document and 2 copies of photograph

Service facilities: According to the decision of Tinau rural municipality.

The application form can be downloaded from the website of this office www.tinaumun.gov.np. For detailed information call Mobile No. 075-413064, 9857077098, 9847243082

Government Job Health Job Job Vacancy Hospital Job Vacancy

Tinau Rural Municipality

Dobhan, Palpa

Estd. 2017



Services Offered

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