Tikapur Municipality Vacancy for Unit Head, Surveyor, AMIN, Data Collector, Data Entrant and Social Mobilizer

Vacancy 05 Feb 2021 3329

Government Job Vacancy

Tikapur Municipality Vacancy for Unit Head, Surveyor, AMIN, Data Collector, Data Entrant, and Social Mobilizer:

Tikapur Municipality, Municipal Executive Office, Tikapur Kailali, Sudurpaschchim Pradesh Service contract vacancy notice

In the detailed posts as per Article 4 of the Rules of Procedure 2077 regarding the data collection of landless Dalits, landless squatters, and unorganized settlers in Tikapur Municipality, identification, data collection of landless Dalits, landless squatters, and unorganized settlers; As the contract in Tikapur Municipality has to be filled from the service contract as per the procedure related to technical staff management, 2075;

This notice has been published by the interested Nepali citizens who are eligible to apply within 7 (seven) days from the date of publication of this notice.

No action will be taken on applications that have expired and have not been duly received.

Vacancy Details:

Positions Req No Application Fees Rs.
Unit Head (6th Level) 1 1000
Surveyor (5th Level Assistant) 2 400
AMIN (5th Level Assistant) 2 300
Data Compiler (4th Level Assistant) 9 300
Data Entrant (4th Level Assistant) 2 300
Social Mobilizer (4th Level Assistant) 2 300

1) Minimum educational qualifications and experience required:

A) Unit Head: Passed at least bachelor level or equivalent from a recognized educational institution.

B) Surveyor: Passed SLC in Mathematics from a recognized educational institution, or equivalent Survey, or three years Diploma in Geometrics as a Certificate of Proficiency Certificate, or Certificate level in Science (Physical Group) or Bhur subject and at least one year junior Received survey training.

C) Amin: Passed SLC or equivalent in Mathematics from a recognized educational institution and received at least one year of Junior Survey Training in Survey, or Geometrics.

D) Data Compiler: Passed SLC or equivalent from a recognized educational institution

E) Data Entrant: Passed SLC or equivalent from a recognized educational institution and received at least 3 months of computer training.

F) Social Mobilizer: Passed SLC or equivalent from a recognized educational institution

2) Age: No age limit for Advertisement No. 07/077/078; And for the rest of the posts, 18 years have been completed and not exceeding 35 years.

3) Place of receiving and submitting the application form: Office Administration Branch of Tikapur Municipal Corporation or Application Form can also be obtained from the website of the Municipality www.tikapurmun.gov.np

4) Contract period: 3 months for Advertisement No. 07/077/078, 3 months for Advertisement No. 05/077/078, 3 months for Advertisement No. 09/077/078, 2 months for Advertisement No. 10/077/075 Month, 2 months in case of Advertisement No. 11/077/075 and 2 months in case of Advertisement No. 12/077/075.

5) Type of selection: shortlist and interview.

6) Service facility: As per the decision of the municipality.

7) Documents to be submitted along with the application: Cash receipt of payment of the prescribed fee in Nepal Bank Limited Branch Office of Tikapur Municipality, Inland Revenue Account No. 10703000001001000001 in Tikapur or in the Revenue Sub-Branch of the Municipal Executive Office

Copies of the following documents certified by the applicant himself: Copy of Certificate of Nepali Citizenship, Copy of Certificates of Educational Qualification, Personal Details (CV), 2 copies of passport size photo, Experience documents.

8) For more information: Please contact the Tikapur Municipality website www.tikapurmun.gov.np or the office.

Note: Preference is given to those with relevant fieldwork experience.


Application Form.pdf

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