Sudurpaschim Pradesh Govt Vacancy for Various Agriculture Technician

Vacancy 06 Nov 2020 5662

Government Job Vacancy

Sudurpaschim Pradesh Government Vacancy for Various Agriculture Technician:

Province Government, Sudupaschim Pradesh, Ministry of Land Management, Agriculture and Cooperatives, Dhangadhi, Kailali, Nepal

Nepali citizens who have qualified to work in various technical positions for the Ministry of Land Management, Agriculture and Cooperatives, and subordinate offices. This notice has been published to submit the application form along with the prescribed application fee within 21 (twenty-one) days from the date of publication of the advertisement. The application form and "Procedure for Selection of Agricultural Technical Staff in Contract Service, 2077" can be downloaded from the Ministry's website

Job Vacancy Details:

Advertisement No. 01/2077/078 to 06/2077/078

Position / Group Required No.
Horticulture Development Officer / Horticulture, Agriculture Extension Officer, Agriculture Extension, Development Officer / Development, Conservation Officer / Protection, 25
Livestock & Dairy Development 4
Veterinarian / Veterinary 5
Agricultural Economist / Agri Eco & Marketing 5
Technical Assistant / Soil Science Technical Assistant / Horticulture 4
Deputy Technical Assistant / Horticulture 1

The place to Work: Sudupaschim Pradesh, Ministry of Land Management, Agriculture and Cooperatives, Dhangadhi, Kailali,

Types of Exams: Written and Interview.

Application Fee: A fee of Rs. 1000 will be charged for the post of Agriculture Service Officer and Rs. 500 for the post of Assistant. The said fee can be deposited in account no. 1000200010000 of Rastriya Banijya Bank Limited, office code - 3120077017 and revenue title no.

Last date to apply: 2077-08-11

Documents required: Certified copies of Certificate of Educational Qualification 1/1, Certified Copies of Citizenship Certificate 1, Gross Receipt of Application Fee, and Council Registration Certificate for the post of Veterinarian.

The age limit of the candidate: In case of officer level not exceeding 35 years of application, not exceeding 35 years of age, in case of a woman not exceeding 40 years and in case of assistant level not exceeding 18 years of application, not exceeding 35 years, in case of a woman not exceeding 40 years.

Job Description: Service, group related.

Salary: As per procedure.

The date, time, and place of the written examination: will be published later.


A. For the post of Nepal Agriculture Service, Livestock, Poultry and Dairy Development Group Officer: The first letter of the first phase of the open competitive examination of the Nepal Agricultural Service, Livestock, Poultry and Dairy Development Group Gazetted third-class post of the Public Service Commission will be as per Part II General Technical Subject.

B. For the post of Nepal Agriculture Service Veterinary Group Officer Level: The first phase of the open competitive examination for the post of Nepal Agricultural Service, Veterinary Group Gazetted Class III of the Public Service Commission will be as per Part II General Technical Subject.

C. For officer level posts in Nepal Agriculture Service Crop Protection, Agricultural Extension, Horticulture, Crop Development, Soil Science and Agri Group: The first phase of the open competitive examination of the Gazetted third-class posts of Nepal Agricultural Service Agri Extension, Horticulture, Agronomy, Plant Protection, Agri Eco and Marketing and Soil Science Group of the Public Service Commission will be as per Part II General Technical Subject.

D. Assistant Level of Agricultural Services for Fifth Agri Extension, Horticulture, Agronomy, Plant Protection, Agri Enco, and Marketing and Soil Science Group: Agri Extension, Horticulture, Agronomy, Plant Protection, Agro Eco and Non-Agro. The first phase of the open competitive examination for the post of gazetted first-class technical assistant or similar will be the course of the service-related subject.

E. Assistant Level of Agricultural Services for 4th Agri Extension, Horticulture, Agronomy, Plant Protection, Agri Eco, and Marketing and Soil Science Group: Agri Extension, Horticulture, Agronomy, Plant Protection, Agro Eco and Non-Agro-Eco under Public Service Commission's Agriculture Service. The first phase of the open competitive examination for the post of gazetted second class deputy technical assistant or one hundred will be the course of the service-related subject.

Minimum qualification required:

A. For Agricultural Service Officer Level: B.Sc.AG in Animal Science Main Subject for Agriculture, Livestock, Poultry and Dairy Development Group. Or B.Tech. (Dairy Technology) or B.V.Sc. & A.H. Or B.V.Sc and D.V.M. Or B.Tech. End (livestock extension) or similar.

B. For Agriculture, Crop Protection, and Agricultural Extension, Horticulture, Crop Development, Soil Science Group: Bachelor in Agricultural Science (B.Sc. Ag.) Or equivalent.

C. For Agriculture, Veterinary Group: BVSC & A.H. Or B.V. Sc. Or DVM‌ or similar and registered with the Nepal Veterinary Council.

D. For Agri Eco and Marketing Group: Bachelor (B.Sc. Ag.) In Agri Economics or Agriculture Business major or equivalent.

E. For the fifth post of Assistant Level of Agricultural Service: Passed ISC (Ag.) Or SLC in Agricultural Science, received one year JTA (Agricultural Science) training and passed a Diploma in Agricultural Science for a minimum period of 3 years or passed TSLC and Agricultural Science for a minimum period of 3 years. Passed the diploma of the subject or the same.

F. For Assistant Level Fourth Post: Passed SLC and received one year JTA (Agricultural Science) training or passed TSLC in Agriculture subject or similar.

(Notice published on 2077-07-21)

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Sudurpashchim Pradesh

Dhangadhi, Kailali

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