Shree Airlines Vacancy Announcement:
Shree Airlines is looking tor following personnel for its current and planned fled comprising or CRJ 200/170, Q400 and Helicopters AS 350B3e, Mi-8/17. Interested qualified Nepalese personnel may apply with a current CV and all related documents.
TRIIPILOTS -OS (For dash 6 WO site.) PILOTS- 06 (For MI-8/Ill
PILOTS- 04 (For ASISO-Ble)
Type Rated Q41111AhlE MI and BS Category)-IR
B1 Licensed ANIE - (For CR) / Q,100
B2 Licensed ANTE -OS (For CRJ Q4001
(Senior/Junior based on qualification end experience)
- Flight Engineer -04 (For Mi-8/17)
- B1 Licensed AME -04 (For Mi-8/17 ,AS350-B3e
- B2 Licensed AME -04 (For Mi-8/17 ,AS350-B3e
Bask Part 66 License Holdener - 08 (Fixed /Rotor)
Please apply within 15 days of this notice to P.0.Box 806. Kathmandu or In-person at Shree Airlines Sinamangal Office.