Shishukalyan Secondary School Pokhara Vacancy for Basic Level Teacher

Vacancy 07 Apr 2023 3315

Shishukalyan Secondary School Pokhara Vacancy for Basic Level Teacher

According to the decision of the School Management Committee of Shishu Kalyan Secondary School dated 23-23-2079 and as per the permission of the Educational Administration Division of Pokhara Metropolitan City, Kaski dated 2079-12-23, as detailed and qualified and experienced teachers are required for this school, this notice is published from interested Nepali citizens with necessary documents. The application is invited within 15 days from the date of occurrence.

Advertisement No. 01/2079/080

Position: Teacher

Level: Basic (1–5) Level

Category: Third

Number: 1 person

Type: Relief

Minimum Educational Qualification: Passed Proficiency Certificate level from a recognized educational institution

Age: Completed 18 years and not exceeding 40 years.

Documents to be submitted along with the application: copy of educational qualification certificate with handwritten application, copy of permanent teaching permit, copy of Nepalese citizenship.

Application Fee: Rs. 1,000 (literally one thousand rupees only).

Type of Examination: Based on the syllabus prescribed by the Teachers Service Commission

It will be written, oral and if necessary practical.

Salary and other benefits: According to the prevailing rules of the Government of Nepal.

Venue of Examination: Division of Educational Administration, Pokhara Metropolitan City, Kaski.

Place of application submission: Shishukalyan Secondary School Pokhara-33, Kaski

Last date for submission of application: 2080/01/8 till office hours.

Contact Date: 2080/01/9 (Examination date will be fixed on contact date.)

Note: Candidates on the contract list of the examination taken by the Teachers Service Commission, if they apply within 7 days from the date of publication of the advertisement, they will be selected and appointed according to the decision of the School Management Committee based on the order of merit.

Shishukalyan Secondary School

Pokhara-33, Bharatpokhri, Bagmara, Kaski

Contact: 9856036034 (Chairman), 9762565108 (Headmaster)

School Job Job Vacancy Teaching Jobs Pokhara

Shishukalyan Secondary School

Nibuwakhark, Syangja



Courses Offered
