Shikshak Sewa Aayog (TSC) Vacancy for NiMaVi Teacher 2081
Government of Nepal, Teacher Service Commission (TSC - Shikshak Sewa Aayog), Sanothimi, Bhaktapur, Advertisement for Open Competitive Examination, Lower Secondary Level, Third Grade, Teacher Position.
As there is a requirement to fill the following listed permanent positions through open and inclusive competitive examinations for the third-grade teacher position at the lower secondary level in community schools, this advertisement is published for interested candidates who have met the prescribed minimum qualifications to submit an online application through the Commission’s official online application system at https://online.tsc.gov.np.
1. Type of Examination:
(a) Written Examination (General and Subject-based)
(b) Interview
(a) Date and Time of Written Examination (General):
2082/02/17 at 1:00 PM
(b) Date of Written Examination (Subject-based):
To be fixed upon the publication of the General Examination result
(c) Date, Time, and Venue of Interview:
To be fixed upon the publication of the Subject-based Examination result
2. Examination Centers:
The examination centers will be in the following districts:
Morang of Koshi Province
Dhanusha of Madhesh Province
Makwanpur of Bagmati Province
Kaski of Gandaki Province
Dang of Lumbini Province
Surkhet of Karnali Province
Kailali of Sudurpaschim Province
If the number of applicants is too high to manage in the mentioned districts, the Commission may assign other districts as examination centers upon decision. Further detailed information will be published later on the Commission's website.
3. Application Fee:
NPR 700/- (An additional NPR 500/- per inclusive group)
4. Final Date to Submit Application:
Until 2082/01/12
5. Date to Submit Application with Double Fee:
Until 2082/01/19
6. Age Limit of Candidates:
Must have completed 18 years and not exceeded 40 years of age as of the final date of application submission.
This age limit shall not apply to currently serving permanent teachers.
7. Mode of Application Submission:
The application for the advertised position must be submitted through the Commission’s online application system. By clicking on https://online.tsc.gov.np, the application can be submitted through the system, and detailed information regarding the submission process can be found in the user manual available on the Commission’s online portal.
8. Banks and Method for Application Fee Payment:
Applications must be submitted through the Commission’s online application system. Before submitting the form, ensure that no information has been omitted or any document has been excluded. Once confirmed, click on the submitted application details. Since no changes can be made after the fee payment, verify the details thoroughly.
Then, click on “Click here to pay the application fee for the advertisement you have applied.” In the Bank Option, choose either Rastriya Banijya Bank or Nepal Bank Limited. After choosing the bank, click on “Get Voucher.” Then print the voucher and go to the selected bank with the voucher to pay the required amount.
For online payment, after generating the voucher, click on “Pay Online” on the same page. From the payment options available on the portal, select one of the logos, then click on “Make Payment.” After entering the username and password of the chosen digital wallet, deposit the specified amount through Online Payment. The application is considered submitted only after confirming that the payment has been successfully completed.
The Commission will issue a notice after the application deadline to view and print the admit card. Keep your email, candidate ID number, and password safe.
9. Deadline to Pay Application Fee:
Standard Fee: Print the voucher created by the Revenue Information System by 11:59 PM on 2082/01/12 and pay the fee by banking hours on 2082/01/13
Double Fee: Print the voucher created by the Revenue Information System by 11:59 PM on 2082/01/19 and pay the fee by banking hours on 2082/01/20
The fee may be submitted on the next working day if the payment day falls on a public holiday.
10. Required Minimum Qualifications for Candidates:
(a) Must be a Nepali citizen
(b) Must not be disqualified as per Rule 10 of the Teacher Service Commission Regulation, 2057 (including amendments)
(c) Must have passed the Secondary Education Examination (Class 12) or an equivalent examination (with a minimum of 200 full marks or 8 credit hours in the relevant subject) from a recognized educational institution and completed at least 10 months of training in education
However, if a candidate has passed Secondary Education Examination (Class 12) or Proficiency Certificate Level or equivalent with 200 full marks in an education-related subject, they will be considered as having completed training
(d) Under Social Studies, subjects include: Economics, History, Rural Development, Geography, Civics, Political Science, Philosophy, Ethics, Psychology, Anthropology, Environmental Education, Health Education, Physical Education, Culture, Sociology, Population Education, and Health and Physical Education
(e) For Mathematics-Science, candidates must have studied both subjects with 200 full marks each and meet the criteria under point (c)
(f) Must possess a permanent teaching license for the lower secondary level
11. Documents to Upload:
The following documents must be scanned and uploaded in jpeg/jpg format (maximum 200 KB per image) at the designated section of the online portal:
Nepali Citizenship Certificate
Recent Photograph
Sample Signature
Transcript of Minimum Educational Qualification
Training Certificate
Permanent Teaching License
Equivalency Certificate (for foreign degrees)
The applicant is fully responsible for the accuracy and authenticity of all information and documents submitted. If any detail or document is found to be false or missing, the application will be canceled at any time.
12. Additional Documents for Inclusive Category Candidates:
(a) For Indigenous/Janajati: Proof from the list published under the National Foundation for Development of Indigenous Nationalities Act, 2058. If multiple surnames are listed under a caste, certification from the Chief District Officer based on the recommendation from the head of the concerned local level
(b) For Madhesi, Indigenous/Janajati, Dalit, Backward Class, or Minority Muslim communities residing in the Terai: Certification as per the notification published in the Nepal Gazette by the Government of Nepal or, if not specified, certification from the Chief District Officer based on the local authority’s recommendation
(c) For Dalit: Proof based on the list published by the National Dalit Commission. If there are multiple surnames, certification by the Chief District Officer based on recommendation from the local level
(d) For Persons with Disabilities: Disability ID card issued by the former Social Welfare Council or current local authority with classification of disability
(e) For Backward Areas: Citizenship certificate indicating permanent residence in Achham, Kalikot, Jajarkot, Jumla, Dolpa, Bajhang, Bajura, Mugu, or Humla districts and certification of current permanent residence by the local level
13. Additional Information Regarding Advertisement:
(a) Competition and selection will take place at the provincial level
(b) Written examination will be conducted simultaneously in all provinces, so candidates may apply for only one province and one subject. If a candidate applies for more than one, their application will be rejected, and they will be held responsible
(c) Selection of candidates for both open and inclusive groups will be through a single examination
(d) A person applying under Indigenous/Janajati, Madhesi, Dalit, Backward Class, or Minority Muslim group may compete under only one category. This does not apply to women
(e) The medium for language-related exams will be in the relevant language. Other subjects will be tested in either Nepali or English
(f) The double fee deadline will not be used for age, educational qualification, or training purposes
(g) Applications that are not submitted within the deadline, do not meet minimum qualifications, lack required information, or fail to pay the prescribed fee will be rejected
(h) If it is found that a candidate submitted false documents, their application will be canceled at any time and legal action will be taken
(i) Candidates with disabilities who cannot write themselves (such as blind, ‘C’ category low vision, or both hands not functional) may request an assistant writer with qualifications one level below the minimum required. This assistant must have passed their qualification at least one year earlier, and approval must be obtained from the Education Development and Coordination Unit of the candidate’s permanent or exam district
(j) Candidates with foreign qualifications must have equivalency determined
(k) Subject-based license holders may only apply for the subject mentioned in their license. Those licensed in Mathematics or Science must meet the criteria under point 10(e) to be eligible
(l) If a candidate has obtained a separate qualification of at least 200 full marks in a different subject after passing Secondary Education, Bachelor’s, or Master’s level, they may apply in the respective subject
(m) Only those who pass the General Written Examination may participate in the Subject-based Examination
(n) Positions from the 2080/11/02 advertisement where suitable candidates could not be found as per Rule 11K of the Teacher Service Commission Regulation, 2057, have been included in this advertisement and marked with a star (*) based on the seat numbers received from the Center for Education and Human Resource Development
(o) Candidates must use only black ink during the examination. Otherwise, their answer sheet will be canceled
(p) The syllabus and model questions can be obtained from the download page of www.tsc.gov.np
(q) For technical queries related to the advertisement, please contact: 9851103299
Date of Publication: 2081/12/14
Government Job School Job Teaching Jobs TSC Shikshak Sewa Aayog