Sharada Municipality Vacancy for Engineer and Sub Engineer

Vacancy 08 Dec 2022 1813

Government Job Vacancy in Nepal

Sharada Municipality Vacancy for Engineer and Sub Engineer: Since the posts are to be filled in the service contract for the positions as detailed for the Sharada Municipality, Salyan; Interested Nepali citizens are requested to submit an application to this office along with the details as per the demand and the receipt of the payment of the tax at the tax branch of this municipality within 15 (fifteen) days from the date of publication of this notice.


Position Required No.
Engineer 1
Sub Engineer 2

1) Educational Qualification:

a) Engineer: Should have passed graduation level in civil engineering from a recognized university and registered with the relevant engineering council.

b) Sub-Engineer: Must have passed a Diploma in Civil Engineering from a recognized educational institution.

2) Last date to apply: 2079/08/29 within office hours, if there is a public holiday on that day, within next day office hours.

3) Necessary documents to be attached: personal details (Bio Data), copy of Nepali citizenship certificate, copy of educational qualification certificate, copies of work experience certificates.

4) Age: Male: up to 18 years and not exceeding 35 years. Women: 18 years and not exceeding 40 years.

5) Application Fee: a) Engineer 1000 (one thousand only). b) Sub-engineer 500 (five hundred only).

6) Place of Application: Sharada Municipality City Executive Office, Khalanga, Salyan.

7) Salary Allowance: As per the contract agreement.

8) Method of Candidate Selection: Written and Interview.

9) When appearing in the interview, you should be present with the completion certificate.

10) All rights related to advertisement shall be vested in this municipal office.

11) Preference will be given to experienced candidates who have worked at the local level.

12) Contact No: 088-520438

First published date: 2079/08/15

Government Job Engineering Job Job Vacancy Karnali Pradesh Salyan

Sharada Municipality

Khalanga, Salyan

Estd. 2014



Services Offered
