Government of Nepal, Ministry of Health and Population, Shahid Dharmabhakta National Transplant Centre, Bhaktapur Notice Regarding Employee Service Contracts
Due to the requirement for employees on service contracts for the positions listed in the necessary specifications of the Shahid Dharmabhakta National Transplant Centre, applications are invited from interested and eligible candidates within 21 days from the date of publication of this notice.
Applications received after the deadline or those not following the procedure will not be processed.
Advertisement No. 01/081/082
- Position/Level: Senior Registrar Cardio-Thoracic and Vascular Surgery
- Number: 1
Advertisement No. 02/081/082
- Position/Level: Registrar Urologist (Eighth Level)
- Number: 1
Advertisement No. 03/081/082
- Position/Level: Registrar Critical Care and Anesthesiology
- Number: 2
Advertisement No. 04/081/082
- Position/Level: Registrar Radiologist
- Number: 2
Detailed Information:
Information regarding the application form, educational qualifications, examination dates, and other details can be viewed on the centre's notice board or at www.hotc.org.np.
Date of Publication: 2081/05/09