Saptarishi Hospital Vacancy Announcement for Various Positions

Vacancy 12 Apr 2023 3223

Saptarishi Hospital Vacancy

Saptarishi Hospital Pvt. Ltd: Vacancy Announcement for Various Positions

Saptarishi Hospital Pvt. Ltd, a 100-bedded multispecialty hospital providing quality healthcare services for the past two decades in Madhesh Pradesh, is seeking eligible and highly motivated professional candidates for various positions. The details of the vacant positions are given below:

1. General Physician - 1 position

  • Required qualification: MD in Internal Medicine and  Registered with NMC

2. Gynaecologist/Obstetrician - 2 positions

  • Required qualification: MD/MS in OB/Gynecology and Registered with NMC

3. MDGP - 1 position

  • Required qualification: MD in General Practice and Registered with NMC

4. Insurance Co-Ordinator - 2 positions

  • Required qualification: Having depth knowledge of Swasthya Bima System of Nepal

5. Staff Nurse - 6 positions

Required qualification: PCL Nursing and Registered with NNC

6. ANM/CMA - 6 positions

  • Required qualification: With a valid council certificate

7. Housekeeping In-charge - 2 positions

  • Required qualification: Inter-level pass

Accommodation facilities are available for doctors, and the salary is no bar for deserving candidates. Interested candidates are encouraged to apply with their council and educational documents at [email protected] or visit the hospital before 2080/01/15.

Join Saptarishi Hospital Pvt. Ltd, and become a part of the team that delivers quality healthcare services to the people of Madhesh Pradesh.

Saptarishi Hospital Pvt. Ltd

Lahan-03, Siraha, Madhesh Pradesh, Nepal

Email: [email protected],

Phone: 9842115510 

Published on 29th Chaitra 2079 (12th April 2023)

Health Job Job Vacancy Madhesh Pradesh Siraha Hospital Job Vacancy