EPF Real Estate Management Company Privet Limited (Sanchayakosh Gharjagga Byawasthapan Company Limited), Lagankhel, Lalitpur
For EPF Real Estate Management Company Pradvet Limited, Lagankhel, Lalitpur, the following services, group, and a number of technical personnel having the following qualifications are to be hired under the service contract; Interested Nepali citizens who have completed 21 years of age and not exceeding 35 years of age should apply to this company's email address [email protected] within 15 (fifteen) days from the date of publication of this notice.
1. Civil Engineer (Officer VII, Engineering, Civil) - 1 (One)
Required Minimum Educational Qualification: BE or equivalent in Civil Engineering or Building or Structural or Urban Planning or Construction Management from a recognized educational institution and registered with the Engineering Council.
Experience: At least three years of work experience related to design, construction supervision, and bill payment of Office/Commercial/Housing related buildings.
Type of Examination: Interview of shortlisted candidates.
Remuneration of employees and other conditions of service will be as per the rules of the company. The said employee will be hired on contract for six months and the contract period may be renewed according to the company's requirements.
Note: Details regarding this notification can be obtained from the office of this company, Lagankhel, Lalitpur.
(Date of first publication of notice: 2079-05-22)
Government Job Engineering Job Lalitpur Job Vacancy