Regional Hospital Job Vacancy for Various Health Services

Vacancy 16 Jun 2021 5793

Regional Hospital Job Vacancy

Regional Hospital located at Zero Km of Pokhara Metropolitan City Ward No. 5, has been providing services to the sick for the last five years. We are happy to announce that there is a plan to upgrade the services and bring more ICU, NNCU equipped operating theater, and a nursing college in operation from the current fiscal year.

As more specialist doctors and staff nurses are required to expand this comprehensive service, contact the specialist branch (full time and part-time) specialist doctors and staff nurses who want to join this regional hospital and practice in the administration branch with their biodata by 2078-03-15. Information is provided.

Vacancy Details:

Position Required No.
Physician Few
Orthopedic surgeon Few
Gynecologist and obstetrician Few
General Surgeon Specialist Few
Pediatrician Few
Dermatologist Few
Otolaryngologist Few
Addiction and psychiatrist Few
Anesthesiologist Few
Medical officer Few
ITU Nurse Few
OT Nurse Few

Contact Details:

Regional Hospital Pvt. Ltd.

Pokhara-5, Zero KM

Phone: 061-541085, 061-533231, 061-530552

Email: [email protected]

Notice Published Date: 2078-3-1 (15th June 2021)

Health Job Job Vacancy Pokhara Gandaki Pradesh Hospital Job Vacancy