Rajpur Rural Municipality Vacancy for Surveyor and AMIN

Vacancy 10 Apr 2024 1407

Government Job Vacancy in Nepal

Rajpur Rural Municipality, Rural Municipal Executive Office Gangdi, Dang, Lumbini Province, Nepal Information regarding the filling of posts in the surveyor and Amin contract!

According to the decision of Rajpur rural municipality, village executive dated 2080/12/22, for landless Dalits, landless squatters, and unorganized dwellers for land measurement and mapping related to the management work of land surveyor (assistant level 5th) and Amin (assistant level 4th) post as per contract as follows Eligible Nepali citizens are requested to apply to this office within 15 days along with the required details and receipt of revenue payment.

Vacancy Details:

Advertisement Number: 4/2080/081


  • Level: 5th
  • Required No.: 1
  • Application fee: Rs. 500

Advertisement Number: 5/2080/081


  • Level: 4th
  • Required No.: 2
  • Application fee: Rs. 400

Minimum Qualifications and Experience Required:

For the post of Amin: Passed SLC/SEE or equivalent from a recognized educational institution and received at least one year training in surveying or geomatics.

For the post of surveyor: Having passed the subject of mathematics from a recognized educational institution or equivalent and having passed a three-year proficiency certificate in surveying or geomatics or having passed the certificate level in science (physical group) or geography and having received at least one year of junior surveyor training.

Last date for submission of application: 2081/1/11 within office hours.

Age limit: Completed 18 years and not exceeding 35 years on the last date of application, not exceeding 40 years in case of women and disabled.

Application fee: Rs.400/- (four hundred) for Assistant Level 4th Amin post and Rs.400/- (four hundred) for Assistant Level 5th Surveyor post. 500/- (five hundred).

Mode of selection: shortlist and interview.

Documents attached with the application: Copies of the following documents attested by the applicant himself:

- Citizenship certificate

- Character certificate

- Minimum Qualification Marks Certificate Experience Opening Documents 2 passport size photographs

Service facility: It will be as determined by the rural municipality.

Details of the work to be done: It will be as specified by the rural municipality.

Note: The application form and syllabus will be available at the village council website: www.rajpurmundang.gov.np and at the village council office. For any other information, please contact the Rajpur rural municipality office.

(First published date: 2080/12/27)

Government Job Engineering Job Job Vacancy Dang