Birtacity Hospital Vacancy for Medical Officer, Staff Nurse, HA, CMA, Trolley Boy

Vacancy 05 May 2021 4544

Birtacity Hospital

Purna Tunga Birtacity Hospital Vacancy for Medical Officer, Staff Nurse, HA, CMA, Trolley Boy:

Purna Tunga Birtacity Hospital & Research Center Birtamode -1, Jhapa announces Vacancy for the following posts.

Vacancy Details:

Positions Req No. Qualification / Experience
Medical Officer 5 NMC registered, freshers are encourage
PCL Nursing 10 Freshers are encourage
Health Assistant (HA) 5 Freshers are encourage
Auxiliary Nurse Midwife (ANM) 10 Freshers are encourage
CMA 5 Freshers are encourage
Trolley Boy 2 Freshers are encourage

Interested Candidates are requested to submit their C.V. at the following email address:[email protected]

Contact Details:

Purna Tunga Birtacity Hospital & Research Center

Birtamode -1, Jhapa

Contact No: 9817007327

Official Phone No. : 023-546580, 023-544855

Health Job Job Vacancy Koshi Pradesh Jhapa