Nilkantha Multiple Campus Vacancy for Teaching Assistant
Nilkantha Multiple Campus, a well established Community Campus (Accredited by UGC) Neelakantha-3, Dhading Bensi, Dhading, urgently requires the following Post
Post: Teaching Assistant
- Subject: Management (Finance specialization is preferred)
- Minimum Academic Qualification: MBS/MBA (M.Phil completed candidate is given priority)
- Brief Job Description (JD): Teaching Finance and other management Subjects in BBS & MBS and carrying out research
- Type of appointment: Full Time (Contract Basis)
- Salary: As per the rule of campus
Deadline to apply: 2081/01/23
Contact: 010-520369, 9851197121
Send Your CV to: [email protected], info@: nilkanthacampus.edu.np
Campus Chief
Job Vacancy Teaching Jobs College Education