Nick Simons Institute (NSI) is an organization with a mission to innovate solutions in rural healthcare — through training, hospital support and advocating for healthcare workers with the government of Nepal since its establishment in 2006 NSI's main spheres of work has been Training. Hospital Support Program (HSP) and Research, Advocacy and Monitoring (RAM) towards enhancing rural healthcare NSI has been a solo counterpart of Nick Simons Foundation International (NSF l), NY USA and jointly works in the programs related to strengthen the skills of healthcare workers. improve health services available to remote and rural communities As the programs grow, to ensure the accountability and measure the outputs of the programs so that outlined outcomes are achieved with the allocated resources. NSI is establishing a unit of Monitoring Evaluation & Learning (MEL) therefore looks for a suitable Nepalese citizen as a MEL Manager in its center office in Lalitpur
Position Description:
MEL manager will oversee monitoring, evaluation, learning, and program quality improvement activities of NSI. S/he will lead the design and implementation of the project MEL framework and will also lead the development of the MEL plans S/he will lead the data collection, monitoring and performance evaluation, and produce timely. accurate, and complete reporting and ensure the collection of appropriate data to understand effective approaches and performance on an ongoing basis This position will also take the lead in the effective analysis and use of data to adjust programmatic approaches at the national and provincial levels on a continuous basis to ensure necessary strategic adjustments and improvements Sthe will mentor the project MEL team, build capacity in MEL and the program team in the related process
Core Responsibilities:
1. Lead the design and implementation of the program MEL framework and information system to track delivery against outputs. outcomes. and Impacts
2. Provide technical leadership and oversight for developing M&E plan, systems and tools, and promote the use of information to guide performance management
3. Ensure timely and accurate submission of project actrvrties. including progress against targets set in the annual work plan, quarterly. and annual reports and contribute to development and update of knowledge products such as abstract, technical briefs. factsheets. and infographics
4. Build the capacity of the MEL team in the WE system and procedures
5. Use evidence and NSI related data to guide research, publications and advocacy activities of NSI
Basic Requirement:
- Masters degree in Statistics, Public Hearth. Demography. or other relevant discipline with a minimum of 8 to 10 years of experience in evidence-based research in public health areas and with M&E and Knowledge Management experience. A PhD in public health with a minimum of 6 years of experience in M&E, knowledge management.
- Knowledge of statistical software (such as SPSS, STATA etc.), knowledge and training in DHIS2 and digital recording and reporting is preferred
- Strong skills in programmatic data analysis and report preparation. Good knowledge of health management information system (HMIS)
- Demonstrated leadership qualities, management expertise and experience: previous experience supervising and mentoring staff, and ability to build MEL capacity of staff
- M&E experience working in health projects and in systems strengthening is an advantage
Person Quality:
- A leader Motivator and encourager of staff and partners
- Mature and serious: earns the respect of various levels of healthcare workers.
- Creative can think outside the box to find new solutions
- Good team player
- Patient to new concepts.
Application Procedure: Qualified and interested candidates should apply with a covering letter along with an up-dated CV STRICTLY in 2 pages Also. kindly mention TWO names of most recent work for references
A completed application should be email to [email protected] Female candidates are highly encouraged to apply.
Closing date for receiving applications: 31 October 2022 by 5 OOPM Telephone enquiries are NOT entertained and will be disqualified automatically if identified
Job Vacancy