Nepal Ved Vidhyashram Sanskrit Secondary School Vacancy for Teacher

Vacancy 03 Jan 2024 1529

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Nepal Ved Vidhyashram Sanskrit Secondary School Vacancy for Lower Secondary Level (NiMaVi) Teacher

Since the Lower Secondary Level (NiMaVi) Teacher Service Contract for this school run by Pashupati Kshetra Development Fund has to be fulfilled; This notice has been published to apply to the school within 30 days for eligible Nepalese citizens who are willing to serve and follow all the rules of the school and attach a certified copy of their citizenship, educational qualification certificates and one copy of their photo along with their details. No action will be taken on late or overdue applications.

Vacancy Details:

1) Required number: Sanskrit Grammar Teacher - 1

2) Level: Lower Secondary Level (NiMaVi), Third Class

3) service facility: Lower Secondary Level Teachers get the same facilities as third class teachers

4) examination fee: Rs. 700/- (Rs. Seven Hundred)

5) Type of examination: Written and Interview Examination

6) minimum educational qualification: Passed in Uttar Madhyam or 12th standard from a recognized educational institution with Navya Vyakaran Main subject

7) Desirable qualifications: Passed graduation level examination in relevant subject and committed to Gurukul related conduct

8) age: Completion of 18 years and not exceeding 35 (40 in case of women) years

9) Exam subject: Curriculum of Teacher Service Commission for lower secondary level of Navya Vyakaran subject including development process.

8) Last date of application: Thursday, Magh 18, 2080, 4:00 p.m

9) Contact date and time: Friday, Magh 19, 2080, at 1:00 p.m.

10) Contact Number: 9841015463

Special eligibility will be given to the experienced and specially qualified persons.

First published on 2080/09/18

School Job Bhaktapur Job Vacancy Teaching Jobs