Civil Aviation Authority of Nepal - CAAN (Nepal Nagarik Uddyan Pradhikaran), Head Office Notice of appointment on contract: Since the following vacancies in the approved posts of the Civil Aviation Authority of Nepal are to be filled permanently in the following posts, the employees are to be appointed in contract service for a maximum period of one year as per Rule 4.11 of the Rules of Service and Facilities of Civil Aviation Authority of Nepal, 2056; The following qualified Napoli citizens are requested to fill up the application form through the Online Application Form at the Authority's website: www.caanepal.gov.np within 7 (seven) days from the date of publication of this notice.
1) Description of Post Requested: Advertisement No. 004 / Contract Service, Technical, Group: ATS (Air Traffic Service), Level 7,
Position: Senior Officer
2) Demand post number: 19 (nineteen)
3) Place of Application: Website of Nepal Civil Aviation Authority: Website: www.caanepal.gov.np. Online Application Form.
4) Examination Fee: Rs. 1200.- (twelve hundred)
5) How to submit the application fee online: Go to the Applied Jobs Options of the Online Job Application System of the Authority, click on the View Details Options of the advertisement number of the advertisement you have applied for, click on the Add Detail Payment Button and choose one of the Payment Options ConnectIPS or eSewa. The amount specified for the advertisement will have to be paid online.
6) Minimum educational qualification required:
Bachelor's degree in Science or Information Technology (IT) or Management or Engineering from a recognized educational institution or equivalent and at least 6 months of basic Air Traffic Services training from an accredited institution.
7) Last date to apply: 2079-01-21 within office hours.
8) Type of Examination: Written Examination and Interview.
9) Date of Written Examination: 2079-01-23 at 8:00 AM
10) Examination Center: Head Office, Baber Mahal. Candidates who pass the written test will be interviewed on 2079-01-26 at CAAN Head Office, Baber Mahal.
11) Age limit: In case of men 21 years and not exceeding 35 years and in case of women not exceeding 40 years.
12) Place of work: Offices under CAAN.
13) Salary facility: will be as per CAAN rules.
14) The application form should be accompanied by a Certificate of Citizenship, Certificate of Educational Qualification and Certificate of Character (open age), certified copies of basic training related to Air Traffic Services, passport size photograph, and signature.
15) Candidates who have passed from foreign wards and obtained educational qualifications should attach proof of equivalence.
16) If you need more information in this regard, you can call the Administration Department of CAAN Head Office on 01-4262518 (Extention No. 303).
Publication Date: (2079-01-15)