Government of Nepal, Ministry of Forest and Environment, Nepal Ban Nigam Limited (Timber Corporation of Nepal): The selection committee formed for the appointment of the Chief Executive Officer
According to the notification regarding the vacancy published for the first time on 2079-5-6 by the selection committee formed for the appointment of the Chief Executive Officer of the Ministry of Forestry and Environment, Timber Corporation of Nepal, only 2 (two) candidates out of the 8 (eight) applications received are considered eligible. when it came; The procedure to be adopted for the appointment and nomination of officials, executive heads, and members of the public bodies affiliated with the Ministry of Forests and Environment, according to section 6 (3) of 2075, within 7 (seven) days during office hours, a confidential application to the Administration Division of the Ministry, Sinha Darwar, Kathmandu This notice is published for the information of all concerned to submit. No action will be taken on applications that are not received within the prescribed date and time.
1) Qualification and experience:
a) At least a master's degree in Bioscience, Natural Resource Management, Environmental Science, Management, Economics, Sociology or Law from a recognized university with at least ten years of experience in the relevant field.
b) Completed thirty years of age.
c) Non Exceeding 65 years of age.
Application Submission Process:
a) Procedures to be adopted for the appointment and nomination of officials, executive heads and members of public bodies affiliated to the Ministry of Forests and Environment published on the website of the Ministry of Forests and Environment: www.mofe.gov.np along with the application, attaching the document as per Section 3 of 2075 The application form according to the schedule of procedure should be submitted.
b) The professional action plan of Timber Corporation of Nepal should be sealed and submitted in maximum 15 pages (separate hard and soft copies). A strategic plan for upscaling the company should also be submitted in the business plan.
c) The examination to be carried out when submitting the application form is the office code number of the Ministry of Land and Environment, Revenue Account No.: 329003501 100010020010000 National Commercial Bank) and Revenue Title no. 14224 in Rs. 3,000-paid gross receipt should be attached.
d) On the day of the interview the candidate should be present with all his/her complete certificates.
Other details:
a) Rule 35 of the rules of Timber Corporation of Nepal has provisions related to the Chief Executive Officer.
b) The presentation of the professional action plan and the detailed information regarding the selection of the candidate will be according to the procedure published on the Ministry's website: www.mofe.gov.np.
C) In case of submission of false details or documents, the application will be canceled and action will be taken according to the prevailing law.
D) For more information regarding this, you can contact the Administration Division of the Ministry of Forests and Environment.
(Second publication date: 2074-05-27)