Nepal Army Vacancy for Various Positions 2077

Vacancy 01 Jan 2021 27024

Nepal Army Vacancy for Various Positions 2077

Nepal Army Vacancy for Various Positions 2077:

Nepal Army, Shri Baladhyaksha Bibhag, Welfare Planning Directorate, Jangi Adda Vacancy notice for Various Positions. Nepal Army Vacancy Details Latest Update:

1) Since the following vacancies in various bodies operated with the investment of Nepal Army, Military Welfare Fund have to be filled in the contract service through open competition; Interested Nepali citizens are invited to fill the application form within 15 (fifteen) days from the date of publication of this notice during office hours at Shree Kalyankari Yojana Directorate, Jangi Adda and Shree Sainik Residential College, Aktapur.

 2) Where to get and submit the application form: Military Residential College Bhaktapur for the post of PGT (Psychological Counselor), Safai Pipa and Shwetatara Monteshwari Sainik School as mentioned in Serial Numbers 1 and 2; And for other posts Welfare Planning Directorate, Jangi Adda, Kathmandu.

3) Last date for submission of application: By 3:00 pm on 2077-10-02.

4) For educational qualifications and other detailed information, the Nepal Army's web site, and the mobile app of the Military Welfare Fund and in case of any dilemma can be contacted on phone number 01-4225943.

Note: The notice regarding the filling of the post published by the Department of Force, Welfare Planning Directorate, Jangi Adda in the national daily Gorkhapatra dated 2076-12-05 and postponed on 2076-12-07 has been canceled. In addition, some of the posts demanded in the notification have been canceled due to special reasons and the required posts in the remaining posts have been adjusted in the notification.

Dated 2077-09-17

Nepal Army

Bhadrakali, Kathmandu


