Nepal Army Padik / Billadar Officer Cadet Vacancy

Vacancy 15 Feb 2022 7937

Nepal Army Notice

Nepal Army, Recruitment Selection Directorate, Staff Department, Serial Number 50 Padik / Billadar Officer Cadet (Internal) Application Call Information

To select Serial Number 50 Padik / Billadar Officer Cadets in order to fill the vacancies in the Nepal Army as per the "General Principles to be Applied for Appointment and Promotion in the Military Service 2064" and "Military Service Rules 2069" (with amendments);

Eligible candidates with the following qualifications are invited to submit an application along with a copy of their educational qualification/training certificates, recommendation letter of the concerned unit, and pro-form.

Duration and place of application:

(A) Period: Date 2078/11/01 to date 2078/11/30, office hours.

(B) Venue: Playground of Sri Nepal Cavalry at Narayanhiti.

Qualifications required:

(A) For Padik:

(1) Must have passed SLC or Army First Class and have done Billadar Grade Two training.

(2) Date 2078/11/30 should have completed 7 years of the service period.

(B) For Billadar:

(1) Must have passed proficiency certificate level or ten plus two or similar and Billadar grade two training.

(2) Must have completed 7 years of service on 2078-11-30.

Application Fee: - Rs.1,000. - (One thousand only)


Candidates who have applied should deposit the revenue amount in the account number 00101000000001001001, office code 345012513, and revenue title No. 14224 of Shree Nepal Bank Limited; and the original voucher and copy should be submitted along with 1/1 (one / one) application form.

Government Job Job Vacancy Nepal Army Nepal Army Officer Cadet

Nepal Army

Bhadrakali, Kathmandu


