Nepal APF Hospital Job Vacancy for Various Health Services - Total 78 Vacancies

Vacancy 19 May 2021 11085

Government Job Vacancy

Nepal APF Hospital Job Vacancy for Various Health Services - Total 78 Vacancies

Government of Nepal, Ministry of Home Affairs, Nepal APF Hospital, Balambu, Kathmandu invites job application for various health service on contract service.

For the treatment of COVID-19 infected patients for treatment in Nepal APF Hospital, the following posts have to be filled through a service contract for a maximum of 1 year. This notice has been published for the information of all the interested Nepali citizens who are eligible to submit the application form in the prescribed format from this office within 5 (five) days from the date of publication (by 2078-02-09 at 17:00 hrs).

Vacancy Details:

Positions Level Req. No.
Anesthesiologist 9th 2
Physician 9th 2
Medical Officer 8th 12
Staff Nurse 5th 50
Biomedical Equipment Technician 5th 2
Sanitary (Sarasaphai) - 10
Total Vacancies 78

Required Qualifications:

Anesthesiologist Graduated in Anesthesiology and registered with the Nepal Medical Council
Physician Graduated in Internal Medicine and registered with the Nepal Medical Council
Medical Officer Passed MBBS from a recognized educational institution and registered with Nepal Medical Council
Staff Nurse Passed the certificate level in Nursing from the educational institution and registered with the Nepal Nursing Council.
Biomedical Equipment Technician Passed Diploma in Biomedical Engineering or Biomedical Equipment Technician (BMET) from a recognized educational institution.
Sanitary (Sarasaphai) General Literate

For more information, contact Nepal APF Hospital Balambu, Kathmandu can be contacted on 01-4315224, or can be downloaded or viewed by visiting the website of the Armed Police Force, Nepal at

First published a notice on 2078-02-05

Government Job Health Job Kathmandu Job Vacancy APF Nepal (Sashastra Prahari)