National Tea and Coffee Development Board Vacancy 2077

Vacancy 29 Jan 2021 7575

National Tea and Coffee Development Board Vacancy 2077

National Tea and Coffee Development Board Vacancy 2077

National Tea and Coffee Development Board - NTCDB (Rastriya Chiya Tatha Coffee Bikash Board) Vacancy 2077 - Open, Inclusive, International Competition and Promotion

To fill the following vacancies in the National Tea and Coffee Development Board as decided। For promotion and recruitment through competitive written examination, applications are invited from the following qualified candidates in the form approved by the Board.

Required Qualification for open competition: 

1) For the post of Administrative Officer, Officer Level III: - Passed at least Bachelor or equivalent from a recognized educational institution.

2) For the post of Agriculture Development Officer, Officer Level III: Bachelor's degree in Agriculture from a recognized educational institution or equivalent.

3) For the post of Accounts Officer, Officer Third Class: Bachelor's degree in Economics or Management from a recognized educational institution or equivalent.

4) For Agricultural Technical, Assistant Level First Class Post: Passed Secondary Education Examination (SLC / SEE) in Agriculture subject from a recognized educational institution and obtained minimum D Plus and CGPA 1.6 in each of the subjects (Theoretical and Experimental) in Class XI and XII. Or proficiency certificate in agriculture or similar.

5) For the post of Administrative Assistant, Assistant First Class: Passed the Secondary Education Examination (SLC / SEE) from a recognized educational institution and obtained minimum D Plus and CGPA 1.6 in each of the subjects (Theoretical and Experimental) of Class XI and XII or Proficiency Certificate or equivalent

6) Accountant, Assistant Level for First Class Post: Secondary in Accounting, Management or Economics from a recognized educational institution. Passed the Education Examination (SLC / SEE) and obtained a minimum D Plus and CGPA of 1.6 in each of the subjects (Theoretical and Experimental) of Class XI and XII or passed Proficiency Certificate in Accounting, Management or Economics or similar.

7) For the post of Computer Operator, Assistant First Class: Passed the Secondary Education Examination (SLC / SEE) in Computer subject from a recognized educational institution and obtained minimum D Plus and CGPA 1.6 in each of the subjects of class XI and XII (Theoretical and Experimental) or Proficiency Proof. Passed a letter or equivalent and received at least six months of computer-related training.

8) For the post of Assistant Agricultural Technician, Assistant Second Class: Achieved at least GPA two in Agriculture subject ASEE from a recognized educational institution, or passed SLC / SEE in agriculture subject) or equivalent.

Published date: 2077-10-16
