Government of Nepal, Ministry of Industry, Commerce, and Supplies, Nepal's Increased Sustainable Tea Exports Project Vacancy Announcement
The Ministry of Industry, Commerce, and Supplies (MoICS) in collaboration with the National Tea and Coffee Development Board (NTCDB) has been implementing Nepal's Increased Sustainable Tea Exports Project (NISTEP) with financial support from Enhanced Integrated Framework (EIF). The project is being implemented with the overarching objective of increasing Nepali tea exports in a sustainable manner. The project was started in November 2020 and will complete in November 2023. The project seeks applications from deserving candidates for the position of National Project Coordinator no later than 15 days from the first date of publication of this notice.
Academic Qualification:
- Master's degree in agriculture, economics, or management with specialized knowledge in horticulture, agriculture economics, agriculture business management, trade economics, or international trade.
Age: Below 65 years (on the last day for application)
- At least ten years of experience in agriculture in particular value chain development of agriculture products.
- Experience in managerial positions of projects implemented by the Government of Nepal involving multi-stakeholders and funded by development partners will be an asset.
- Work experiences in the tea sector and trade promotion programs will be an
Remuneration and benefits
Basic salary and benefits (Monthly, including taxes as per the government rules): NRs. 150,000/- to NRs. 175,000/- (based on negotiation)
Selection Process
The selection process will be carried out in three stages: Shortlisting, presentation, and interview. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted for the next stages of the selection process.
Interested applicants are requested to submit the application along with (a) a maximum of two pages of strategy (based on the project document and job description) that the candidate will adopt to achieve the desired results of the project, and (b) a Curriculum Vitae (including two references from previous organizations) via email at [email protected] within 15 days (24 November 2022 by 16: 00 hr Nepal Time). The applications received after the given time will not be included in the selection process. For further inquiries please contact at 01-4211500 or 9843441513. The vacancy announcement notice, project document, and Job Description of the National Project Coordinator can be accessed at and
First Date of Publication: 10 November 2022
Government Job Job Vacancy