Mirchaiya Municipality Vacancy for Surgeon, Nurse, Anesthesia Technician, Radiographer, ANM and Sweeper

Vacancy 23 Dec 2021 3682

Government Job Vacancy

Mirchaiya Municipality, Municipal Executive Office, Michainya, Siraha, Province No. 2, Nepal invites job vacancy application for various health services.

Mirchaiya Hospital in Mirchaiya, Siraha for the operation of CEONC (Comprehensive Emergency Obstacle and Neonatal Care) services as required for the appointment of health workers including specialist doctors in contract service in the post as per details; Within 15 (fifteen) days from the date of publication of this notice, applications are invited from eligible Nepali citizens who are willing to work subject to the following conditions.

Vacancy Details:

Position Req. No. Qualificaiton 
Gynecologist / DGO / MDGP / SURGEN Specialist (Ninth Level) 1 Passed Gynecologist / DGO / MDGP / SURGEN course from a recognized educational institution and registered with Nepal Medical Council.
OT Nurse Few Staff Nurse Passed from a recognized educational institution, registered with Nepal Nursing Council and received OT training and SBA training.
Anesthesia Technician (5th Level Assistant) Few Passed the Health Assistant (HA) course from a recognized educational institution, registered with the Council and passed the Anesthesia Technician Course.
Radiographer (5th Level Assistant) Few Passed Radiographer Karsh from a recognized educational institution and registered with the Council.
ANM (4th Level Assistant) Few Passed ANM course from a recognized institute, registered with Nepal Nursing Council and worked for 2 years.
Sweeper Few General Literate and worked in OT.

1) Types of exams: Experimental and interview.

2) Age: In case of Serial Number 1-5, completed 18 years and not exceeding 45 years; And in the case of Serial Nunber 6, 18 years have been completed and not exceeding 35 years

3) Place to submit application: Office of Michaiya Municipality, Michaiya, Siraha.

4) Documents to be submitted along with the application: Certificate of Educational Qualification, Copy of Citizenship, Council Registration Certificate, Training Certificate, Personal Details and other required documents must be submitted.

5) Application Fee: In case of Serial Number 1, Rs. 1000 (one thousand only), in case of Serial Number 2,3,4 Rs. 700 (seven hundred only), Rs.500 and 300 (five hundred, three hundred) in case of Serial Numbers 1, 5, 6

6) How to apply: The above mentioned documents and fees in the village of Mirchaiya Napal.

Deposit the amount in the branch's treasury account no .: 6641498748524001, attach the gross voucher deposited in cash or the original cash voucher deposited in the cash branch in person or scan the application form, required certificates and bank voucher and email to [email protected] Will be done

7) Contract period: Appointment will be made in contract service till FY 2078/07. The contract period can be extended as per requirement.

8) Information related to the interview will be sent to the shortlisted candidates through information.

9) Conditions: Interested applicants are required to work subject to the following conditions.

10) Salary Allowance and Facilities: Salary Allowance and Services as per the level specified by the Government of Nepal.

11) Other Facilities: Will be provided as per Government of Nepal rules.

Note: No action will be taken on the applications which have not been duly submitted and have been registered beyond registration. Only applications that meet the criteria of the Selection and Recommendation Committee will be included. For more information, you can contact this office at 033-550101, 9851068822. The contact date is set to the next day of the deadline.

First Time Published: 2078-9-7

Government Job Health Job Job Vacancy Madhesh Pradesh Siraha