Ministry of Health and Population Call Application for Demographer Roster

Vacancy 28 Aug 2024 953

Ministry of Health and Population

Ministry of Health and Population (Population Management Division), Ramshah Path, Kathmandu Call Application for Demographer Roster

A notice has been published by the Ministry of Health and Population to prepare a list of experts (Demographer Roster) for providing opinions, suggestions, and support on various population management policies, plans, strategies, programs, and overall population-related matters. The roster will also be used for conducting studies and research by the Ministry. Interested experts and stakeholders are requested to submit their personal details (Biodata) along with the following information to the Population Management and Information Section of this Ministry within seven days from the date of this notice.

Details Required:

  1. Name:
  2. Educational Qualification: (At least a Master's degree)
  3. Experience: (At least 5 years of work experience in population-related fields or at least 5 years of teaching or research experience in the relevant field)
  4. Email:
  5. Mobile Number:

Email to send Biodata: [email protected]

Contact Number: 01-5362468 (Population Management and Information Section, Ministry of Health and Population, Ramshah Path, Kathmandu)

Date: 2081/05/12
