Local Government, Miklajung Rural Municipality, Rural Executive Office, Ravi, Panchthar, Koshi Province, (Nepal) Notice Regarding Recruitment of Technical Assistant on Contract
A notice is hereby published for interested eligible Nepali citizens to submit an application within 15 (fifteen) days along with the required details and revenue payment receipt to this office for filling 1 (one) Technical Assistant position through open competition on contract basis for the Employment Service Center operated at Miklajung Rural Executive Office, Panchthar.
Vacancy Details:
Advertisement No.: 03/2081/082
Position: Technical Assistant
Level: Local Service Assistant Level 5 or equivalent
Number: 1 (one)
1. Required Minimum Qualifications and Experience:
a) Completed Proficiency Certificate Level or Overseer or Diploma Level in Civil Engineering.
b) Minimum 18 years of age and not exceeding 45 years of age by the last date of application.
c) Basic computer skills with at least 3 (three) months of training.
d) Preference will be given to candidates with experience in preparing cost estimates for infrastructure construction and maintenance, supervision and preparation of final cost details, ability to analyze, achieve project goals and quantities, and having 6 months of teamwork experience with interpersonal relationship skills.
2. Application Submission Location:
Miklajung Rural Executive Office, Ravi, Panchthar
3. Application Deadline:
Chaitra 12, 2081 within office hours
4. Application Fee:
Rs. 500/- (Five hundred only)
5. Selection Process:
Publication of preliminary merit list and written examination as well as practical examination
6. Documents to be Submitted with Application:
Copies of the following documents certified by the applicant:
a) Nepali citizenship
b) Minimum qualification mark sheet certificate
c) Character certificate
d) Training certificates
e) Experience documents, if any
f) 2 passport-sized photographs
7. Services, Facilities and Others:
As per Section 13 and 14 of the Standard for Technical Assistant and Employment Assistant Recruitment in Local Level, 2078. (Application form, job description for Technical Assistant position, curriculum and other detailed information regarding recruitment will be available on the Ministry and Rural Municipality website.)
8. Examination Schedule:
Preliminary merit list publication date: 2081/12/13
Written examination: 2081/12/15 at 11:00 AM
Practical examination: 2081/12/15 at 12:00 PM
Application forms can be downloaded from the Miklajung Rural Municipality's website, www.miklajungmunpanchthar.gov.np.
You can fill the form with required details, attach necessary documents clearly as a Scanning PDF Document, and email to [email protected].
Application fee can be paid to Agricultural Development Bank, Ravi's G 1.1 Internal Revenue Account MIKLAJUNG RURAL MUNICIPALITY GA 1.1 INTERNAL REVENUE (Account No. 0625101395925112) revenue heading No. 14224 for Rs. 500/-, or by downloading the Local Revenue - LLRP Mobile Application, creating a personal user, and paying Rs. 500/- under revenue heading No. 14224 through Miklajung Rural Municipality, Panchthar's revenue portal and uploading the payment receipt copy.
For additional information, contact 9852684831.
Website: www.miklajungmunpanchthar.gov.np Email: [email protected] Contact No.: 024-412115
(First publication date: 2081/11/27)