MBUST Announces Consultancy Services and Service Contract

Vacancy 07 Dec 2023 3205

Madan Bhandari University of Science and Technology (MBUST) Building

Madan Bhandari University of Science and Technology Announces Consultancy Services and Notice of Service Contract Requirement

Madan Bhandari University of Science and Technology requires consultancy services and service contracts as per the details, individuals or firms willing to provide the services should contact this university's email address [email protected] or this university's office, Chitlang, Thaha Municipal Ward 9 by 4 pm on the day of Paush 6, 2080. , Bagmati province has been invited to submit applications.

Information with detailed information about this can be downloaded from the website of this university www.mbust.edu.np.


  1. Academic Affairs Advisor – One person
  2. Research Advisor - One person
  3. Senior Procurement Consultant - One person
  4. Senior Administrative Management Consultant (A) - One person
  5. Senior Finance Management Consultant - Ek Jana
  6. Senior Administrative Management Consultant (B) One person
  7. Civil Engineering Consultant - One person
  8. Site-Based Civil Engineering Consultant - One person
  9. Secretarial Assistant - One person
  10. Driver (Service Contract) - One person
  11. Bagger (Service Contract) - One person
  12. Office Helper (Service Contract) -Two Person

Publication date: Mansir 21, 2080 (December 07, 2023)

Job Vacancy