Manthali Municipality Vacancy for MDGP, MO, HA, Radiographer, Pharmacy Assistant, AHW and ANM

Vacancy 31 Jan 2021 7267

Government Job Vacancy

Manthali Municipality Vacancy for  MDGP, MO, HA, Radiographer, Pharmacy Assistant, AHW, and ANM:

Manthali Municipality, Municipal Executive Office, Manthali, Ramechhap, Bagmati Pradesh, Nepal Notice regarding the filing of health worker posts in the service contract

Since the following posts for the office of the Municipal Executive, Manthali Municipality, health workers have to be filled in the service contract; Interested Nepali citizens who have completed 18 years of age and have not exceeded 35 years (not exceeding 40 years in case of women) should fill in the application form prescribed by the Public Service Commission during office hours and submit it to this office within 15 (fifteen) days from the date of publication of this notice. The notice has been published.

Documents to be attached with the application form and other detailed information can be viewed on the office's website Only shortlisted candidates will be included in the interview.

Vacancy Details:

Ad No, Position, Level and Required No. Place to Wok
11/077/75 - Medical Officer (MDGP / Gynecologist / ASBA) - Officer 8th Level -1 (One) Manthali Primary Health Center
12/077/78 - Medical Officer, (Officer 8th Level) -1 (One) Manthali Primary Health Center
13/077/76 - Health Assistant (Assistant 5th Level) -5 (Five) Manthali Primary Health Center and Kathjor, Chankhu, Fulasi Health Post
14/077/78 - Radiographer (Assistant 5th Level) -1 (One) Manthali Primary Health Center
15/077/78 - Pharmacy Assistant (Assistant 5th Level) -1 (One) Manthali Primary Health Center
16/077/78 - AHW (Assistant 4th Level) -2 (Two) Puranagaun and Kathjor Health Post
17/077/78 - ANM (Assistant 4th Level) -3 (Three) Urban Health Center, Manthali Municipality Ward No. 4, 6 and 13

(First published: 10/16/2077)

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Manthali Municipality

Manthali, Ramechhap

Estd. 2014



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