Manebhanjyang Rural Municipality Vacancy for HA, ANM and AHW

Vacancy 31 Jul 2022 4871

Government Job Vacancy in Nepal

Manebhanjyang Rural Municipality, Rural Municipal Executive Office, Manebhanjyang, Okhaldhunga, Province No. 1, Nepal invites job applications for the position of Health Assistant (HA), AHW, and ANM.

This notification has been published for Manebhanjyang Rural Municipality under Health Service, "As the posts mentioned in the oath are to be filled, interested Nepali citizens who are qualified should submit their applications with the necessary documents within 15 (fifteen) days from the date of publication of the notice during office hours.

1) Age: 18 years on the last date of application and not exceeding 35 years (in case of women not exceeding 40 years)

2) Place of Application: Office of Manebhanjyang Rural Municipality, Okhaldhunga.

3) Last date of application: 29-04-2079

4) Application Fee: 1000

5) Mode of Selection: Preliminary Merit List Publication, Written and Interview.

6) Documents attached with the application: Copies of the following documents certified by the applicant himself.

(a) Nepali citizenship (b) Certificate of minimum educational qualification (c) Certificate of registration with the concerned council (d) Character certificate (e) 2 passport size photographs per copy.

7) Service facilities and others: According to the rules of the Government of Nepal.

8) Information regarding the application form and the vacancy can be obtained from the website of this office

9) The application form and other necessary documents can also be sent to the email address of this office: [email protected].

10) The original receipt deposited in account no. 2480100301010002 in the Rastriya Banijya Bank branch of this office or the gross receipt of the cash payment to the revenue branch of this office should be submitted.

For more information mobile no. 9861027875 can be contacted. Office of ManebhanjyangRural Municipality, Rural Municipal Executive, Manebhanjyang, Okhaldhunga

This notification has been published for Manevnjang Rural Municipality under Health Service, "As the posts mentioned in the oath are to be filled, interested Nepali citizens who are qualified should submit their applications with the necessary documents within 15 (fifteen) days from the date of publication of the notice during office hours.

Vacancy Details:

Position Level Req. No.
Health Assistant (HA) 5th Level Assistant 6
AHW 4th Level Assistant  8
ANM 4th Level Assistant  3

1) Age: 18 years on the last date of application and not exceeding 35 years (in case of women not exceeding 40 years)

2) Place of Application: Office of Manebhanjyang Rural Municipality, Okhaldhunga.

3) Last date of application: 29-04-2079

4) Application Fee: 1000 -

5) Mode of Selection: Preliminary Merit List Publication, Written and Interview.

6) Documents attached with the application: Copies of the following documents certified by the applicant himself.

(a) Nepali citizenship (b) Certificate of minimum educational qualification (c) Certificate of registration with the concerned council (d) Character certificate (e) 2 passport size photographs per copy.

7) Service facilities and others: According to the rules of the Government of Nepal.

8) Information regarding the application form and the vacancy can be obtained from the website of this office

9) The application form and other necessary documents can also be sent to the email address of this office: [email protected].

10) The gross receipt deposited in account no. 2480100301010002 in the National Commercial Bank branch of this office or the gross receipt of the cash payment to the revenue branch of this office should be submitted.

For more information mobile no. 9861027875 can be contacted.

Government Job Health Job Job Vacancy Koshi Pradesh Okhaldhunga Hospital Job Vacancy