Maharajganj Municipality Vacancy for AHW and ANM

Vacancy 10 Jan 2023 2811

Government Job Vacancy in Nepal

Maharajganj Municipality, Municipal Executive Office, Maharajganj, Kapilvastu, Lumbini Province, Nepal announces vacancy for ANM and AHW on contract service.

For Maharajganj Municipality City Executive Office, technical requirements as per specification; This notice has been published to take service contracts through open competition in accordance with "Technical Staff Procedures in Contracts, 2075".

Eligible candidates must download the application form through the website of this municipality within 15 days from the date of this notification or get it from this office and deposit the application fee. Application along with receipt is suggested to this office.

1. AHW - 4 (Four)

2. ANM - 5 (Five)

3. ANM (Birth Center) - 3 (Three)

1) Minimum Qualification:

(a) Passed CMA/HA course from an educational institution recognized by the Government of Nepal for the post of AHW and registered with the Council.

(b) For the post of ANM, preference will be given to trained SBAs who have passed the ANM/SN course from an educational institution recognized by the Government of Nepal and are registered with the Council.

(d) Completed 18 years and not exceeding 40 years on the last date of application.

(e) No action has been taken to disqualify him for government service in the future.

2) Place of application: Maharajganj City Executive Office.

3) Last date of submission of application: up to 2079-10-09

4) Mode of Selection: Publication of preliminary merit list and interview.

5) Documents attached with the application: Copies of the following documents attested by the applicant himself

(a) Certificate of Citizenship

(b) 2 copies of passport-size photograph (recently taken)

(c) Certificates of minimum educational qualification

(d) Experience Disclosure Document

6) Service facilities: Salary allowance and other services and facilities will be arranged according to the rules of the municipality.

7) Contact: Maharajganj Municipality, Phone No. 076-400050

8) Procedure: The procedure is available on the Municipal website

Date of first publication: 2079-09-25

Government Job Health Job Job Vacancy Lumbini Pradesh Kapilvastu