Mahalaxmi Municipality, Dhankuta Vacancy for Complaint Hearing Officer

Vacancy 25 Jan 2022 2834

Government Job Vacancy in Nepal

Mahalaxmi Municipality, Municipal Executive Office, Jitpur, Dhankuta, Province No. 1, Nepal Notice of application for the post of Complaint Hearing Officer in contract service

In Mahalaxmi Municipality, Dhankuta, under the Poor Family Identity and Identity Card Distribution Program, the grievance redressal officer has to be taken on a service contract (for a maximum of two months from the date of appointment); Eligible interested Nepali citizens are requested to apply for the following posts in this office within 15 (fifteen) days from the date of publication of this notice.


Complaint Hearing Officer

Required No. 2 (Two)
Level Non-Gazetted First Class
Qualification As prescribed by the Public Service Commission for the post of Non-Gazetted First Class (Non-Gazetted side). (10 + 2 / Intermediate level passed)
Remuneration Non-Gazetted First Class as prescribed by Government of Nepal

1) Age: 18 years and not exceeding 35 years, not exceeding 40 years till the last day of application in case of women and disabled.

2) Documents to be submitted: Certificate of Nepali citizenship, copy of educational qualification certificate, 3 copies of passport size photo.

3) Place of work: As specified by the office of Mahalaxmi Municipality.

4) Leave and other facilities: As prescribed by the office of the municipality.

5) Working hours and contract period: for a maximum of 2 months from the date of appointment.

6) Type of examination: There will be a written interview.

7) Contact Date: 2078/10/25.

8) Exam Date: Contact date will be specified.

9) Application Fee: Rs. 400 / -, (only four hundred) Rastriya Banijya Bank Ltd., Jitpur Branch, Mahalaxmi Municipality in Dhankuta, Voucher has to be submitted by depositing in Inland Revenue Account 23501003010100093. Revenue Signal Title No. 14224 and office code no. 501010603.

10) Application form can be obtained from Mahalaxmi Municipality Municipal Executive Office, Jitpur, Dhankuta. Also, the application form is kept on the website of this office: The form can be downloaded, filled and all the required documents can be scanned and sent to the [email protected] of this office. For more information, you can contact this office at 9842444275, 9852077784.

Note: The right to make the final decision regarding the said information will be vested in this office.

Date of first publication of information:  2078-10-10

Government Job Job Vacancy Koshi Pradesh Dhankuta