Lumbini Pradesh Lok Sewa Aayog Vacancy 2079 for 5th Level Assistant: Province Public Service Commission, Lumbini Province Information related to the number of posts to be filled in Nepal Administration Service, General Administration Group, Assistant Level 5 (Non-Technical) posts under Province Civil Service and Local Government Service.
According to the provisions of Section 12 of the Staff Adjustment Act, 2075, for the filling of vacant positions in the Lumbini Province Government and various local levels of Lumbini Province, as requested by the Office of the Chief Minister and Council of Ministers, Lumbini Province; Under the Provincial Civil Service, Jepal Administration Service, General Administration Group, Assistant Level 5 (Non-Technical) posts have to be filled by internal competition, open and inclusive competition and promotion, determined by the percentage determined according to the prevailing law; Online applications are invited from candidates who have qualified as per below.
Candidates who have reached the specified minimum eligibility should apply online through the commission's electronic application system www.ppsconline.lumbini.gov.np.