Lumbini Pradesh Lok Sewa Aayog Vacancy for 4th Level Assistant (Technical, Health, Agri)

Vacancy 12 Apr 2024 16687

Lumbini Pradesh Lok Sewa Aayog Notice

Lumbini Pradesh Lok Sewa Aayog Vacancy for 4th Level Assistant  (Technical, Health, Agriculture) 

Province Public Service Commission Lumbini Province Notification regarding advertisement of open and inclusive posts of Assistant 4th level Technical posts under local level

According to the decision of the Provincial Public Service Commission, Lumbini Province, the vacant assistant level 4th level (technical) posts under the local level should be filled through an open and inclusive competitive examination; Eligible candidates are invited to apply online.

Candidates who meet the prescribed minimum qualifications can apply through the Commission's electronic application system (Online) application should be made from The information regarding the promotion notification has been placed on the Commission's website at

Vacancy Details:

Post Name, Group, Sub-Group, Required No.:

  • ANM (Community Nursing)-79 (Seventy-Nine)
  • Vaidya (Ayurveda, General) - 5 (Five)
  • Lab Assistant (M.L.T., J.M.L.T.) - 1 (One)
  • AHW (Health Inspection) - 74 (Seventy Four)
  • Assistant Sub Engineer (Civil, General) - 34 (Thirty-Four)
  • Amin (Survey) - 1 (One)
  • Water and Sanitation Technician (Civil, Sanitary) - 4 (Four)
  • Junior Technical Assistant - JTA (Plant, Agronomy, Horticulture, Agri Extension, Soil Science and Agri Eco and Marketing Group) - 19 (Nineteen)
  • Junior Animal Health Technician - VJTA (Veterinary) - 30 (Thirty)
  • Junior Livestock Service Technician - VJTA (Livestock Production and Dairy Development) - 21 (Twenty-One)
  • Assistant Lady Inspector-8 (Eight)
  • Assistant Computer Operator - 1 (One)

Mode of Examination:- As prescribed in the Syllabus, (Written, Practical and Interview) |

Examination Center:- Butwal

Medium of Examination:- The medium of examination will be Nepali or English or both Nepali and English.

Mode of application:- The application must be submitted through the Commission's electronic application system Detailed information about the method/method of applying is available in the User Manual on the same website. Candidates should ensure that their details are correct while filling out the application form electronically. Candidates have to mention their mobile number and email address while filling in the details.

Application Fee:- Application Fee of Rs. 400/- (four hundred) will have to be paid. In the case of candidates applying in advertisement towards additional groups and inclusive groups, for each group Rs. 150/- (one hundred and fifty) additional fee has to be paid.

Method and place of submitting the application fee:

After submitting the form through the Commission's online application system, payment should be made by choosing one of the online payment or offline payment options. Candidates who make online payments can make payments using one of the wallets kept in the Commission's electronic application system, while candidates who want to make offline payments can select one of the banks specified in the same system and print the bank voucher created from the application system and pay the application fee to the respective bank. The application fee should be paid by 2081/01/28. Detailed information regarding this is in the User Manual placed on the website.

Last date of submission of application:- Single Fee application till 2081/01/20 and Double Fee application till 2081/01/27.

Candidate Age Limit:

  • Completed 18 years of age as of 2081/01/20 and not exceeding 35 years in case of male candidates and not exceeding 40 years in case of female and disabled candidates.
  • 18 years of age up to 2081/01/20 in health service posts and not exceeding 45 years of age.
  • There will be no age limit in the case of permanent employees who are selected and recommended by the Federal Public Service Commission and the State Public Service Commission at the federal, state, and local levels.

Documents to be submitted:

Candidates applying should fill in all the details as requested and upload the front and back of their citizenship, a recent passport-size photograph, and a signature in JPG format. Also, the minimum educational qualification certificates, transcripts, and documents showing inclusion details in the case of candidates applying in the inclusive group should be scanned and uploaded in PDF format at the specified location. If the document is not uploaded in the specified format, the admit card will not be printed, so you have to upload the file in the specified format. If you do not apply according to section 13 of the State Public Service Commission's Operational Guidelines, 2077, or if you submit incorrect information, the application will be canceled at the time of submission or at any time after, so please take special care when filling out the application form.

Details of the work to be done in the post:- As prescribed by the local level according to the prevailing law.

Service, terms, and facilities:- Service, terms, and facilities shall be by the prevailing law.

Agency related to service: - Local level related to service, group operation.

If there is any problem while filling out the application, you can contact 9857088697. Details of the notification are placed on the commission's website

(Notice No. 476)

Notification No.: 477 / 2080-081

Publication Date : 2080/12/30th

Government Job Job Vacancy Lumbini Pradesh PPSC PPSC Lumbini

Lumbini Pradesh Pradesh Lok Sewa Aayog

Butwal, Butwal

Estd. 2019


