Lumbini Pradesh Lok Sewa Aayog 5th Level Assistant Vacancy 2081

Vacancy 10 Jan 2025 9342

Lumbini Pradesh Lok Sewa Aayog Notice

Lumbini Pradesh Lok Sewa Aayog Announces 5th Level Assistant Vacancy 2081

Province Public Service Commission, Lumbini Province Advertisement for the Internal, Open, and Inclusive Competitive Examination of Assistant Level Fifth (Non-technical/Technical) Positions in the Province Civil Service.

As per the Province Civil Service Act, 2080, and as per the demand from various ministries and offices under the Lumbini Province Government for the recruitment of Assistant Level Fifth (Non-technical/Technical) positions in the Province Civil Service, applications are invited from qualified candidates through an electronic (online) medium for the mentioned services, groups, and sub-groups. Qualified candidates must apply online through the Commission's electronic application system (

Type of Examination:- As specified in the syllabus (revised syllabus is available on the Commission's website)

Examination Center:- Butwal.

Medium of Examination:- The medium of examination will be Nepali or English or both Nepali and English.

Method of Application:

Applications should be submitted through the Commission's electronic application system, 

The user Manual posted on the same website provides detailed details regarding the application process. Candidates should ensure their details are correctly filled in the electronic application. When filling in the details, candidates must mention their mobile number and email address.

Application Fee:

An application fee of Rs. 500/- (Five Hundred Rupees) must be paid. For candidates applying in additional advertisements for additional groups and inclusive groups, an additional fee of Rs. 200/- (Two Hundred Rupees) will have to be paid for each group.

Method and place of payment of application fee:

 After submitting the form through the Commission's electronic application system, candidates must select and pay one of the options: Online Payment or Offline Payment. Candidates making online payments can do so immediately using any specified banks. Candidates making offline payments must select any specified banks, print the voucher, go to the concerned bank, and pay the double fee by the next day at the latest. Detailed information regarding this is in the User Manual posted on the website.

Last date for application submission: - Up to 10/18/2081 and up to 10/25/2081 after paying the double fee.

Age limit of the candidate: - For civil service posts as per the prevailing law, the age of 18 years as of 10/18/2081 and not exceeding 35 years, in the case of women, not exceeding 40 years.

* Permanent employees of the Federal and Provincial Civil Services, as per the Employees Adjustment Act 2075 BS, who have been adjusted from government service to the Provincial Civil Service or Local Service and who have been appointed to the Federal Civil Service or Local Service after the commencement of this Act, will not be subject to age limit.

Note: Additional information is available on the Commission's website:

Notice No. 200/081-082

Publication Date: 2081/09/26

Lumbini Pradesh Lok Sewa Aayog 5th Level Assistant Vacancy 2081

Government Job Job Vacancy PPSC PPSC Lumbini

Lumbini Pradesh Pradesh Lok Sewa Aayog

Butwal, Butwal

Estd. 2019


