Lumbini Bikas Bank Limited, a leading National Level Development Bank, managed by a highly professional and experienced team in the banking sector, has been expanding its products and services and its branch outlets continuously with a renewed strategic plan. The bank, therefore Invites applications from highly competent, energetic, and self-motivated Nepalese citizens for the under-mentioned positions In order to fulfill the human force in its Out of Kathmandu Valley Branches of all provinces.
Branch Manager/ Assistant Branch Manager/ Relationship Manager/ Operation In charge: Officer Level (Senior Officer/ Officer/ Junior Officer)-Few
Assistant Branch Manager/Relationship Officer/Operation In charge: Assistant Level (Supervisor/Senior Assistant/Assistant)- Few
- Minimum Bachelor's Degree (preferably Master's Degree) in Management from a recognized University/College for Officer Level and Minimum Intermediate Level (preferable bachelor's Degree) in Management from a recognized University/College for Assistant Level
- Minimum 4 years of total banking experience with at least 2 years of working experience In both branch operation and/or incredit function for Officer Level position Minimum 3 years of total banking experience (experience on credit and operation function is desirable) for Assistant Level position.
- Excellent communication and leadership skills.
Other General Requirements, for all above positions:
- Age: Not exceeding 40 years for Officer Level and not exceeding 35 years for Assistant Level as on the last day of application.
- Must have 2 Wheeler Driving License.
- The corporate position will be offered as per job experience and qualification as deserved.
Meeting the above criteria, Interested candidates may log on to https://lumbinibikasbank.com and click on the "Apply" icon of the respective job position.
Only shortlisted candidates shall be called for an interview and further selection process. The bank reserves the right to accept or reject any application without assigning any reason thereof.
Canvassing at any stage of the selection process shall lead to automatic disqualification. The deadline for application is 24.00 hr, Ashadh 6, 2080.
4th Floor, Sunrise Bzzpark Dillibazar, Kathmandu
Web: https://lumbinibikasbank.com
Phone No.: 01-4413232, 01-4421696
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