Lumbini Bikas Bank Limited Job Vacancy Announcement for Various Positions

Vacancy 30 Sep 2020 10194

Lumbini Bikas Bank Limited Vacancy

Lumbini Bikas Bank Limited Job Vacancy for Various Positions:

Lumbini Bikas Bank Limited, a leading national-level development bank invites application from highly competent, energetic, and self-motivated Nepalese citizens for the under mentioned positions in order to fulfill the staff force in the departments in Head Office and the existing/upcoming branches of the Bank.

I. Branch Manager:

Senior Officer/ Officer/ Junior Officer/ Supervisor - Few

II. Assistant Branch Manager :

Officer Level (Senior Officer/ Officer/ Junior Officer )- Few

III. Assistant Level:

Supervisor/Senior Assistant/Assistant- Few

Location: Existing and upcoming Branches of Province: 1,2,3,4,5,6 and 7

Minimum Qualification and Experience:

  • Minimum Bachelor Degree (preferable Master's Degree) in Management from a recognized University/ College.
  • Minimum 4 years of experience for Branch Manager and a minimum of 3 years of experience for Assistant Branch Manager in the Bank and Financial Institutions with expertise in Credit & Operation.


I. Relationship Manager (Officer Level)

Senior Officer/ Officer/ Junior Officer)- Few

II. Relationship Officer (Assistant Level)

Supervisor/ Senior Assistant/ Assistant- Few

Location: Head Office and Existing and Upcoming Branches of Province: 1,2,3,4,5,6 and 7

Minimum Qualification and Experience:

  • Minimum Bachelor Degree (preferable Master's Degree) in Management from a recognized University/ College.
  • Minimum 3 years of experience for Senior Officer/ Officer/ Junior Officer and Minimum 2 years of experience for Supervisor/ Senior Assistant/Assistant in the Bank and Financial Institutions with sound knowledge and skills in Credit

Other General Requirements for all the above positions:

  • Age: Not exceeding 35 years for Supervisor/Senior Assistant/ Assistant and not exceeding 40 years for Senior Officer/ Officer/ Junior Officer as on 2077-06-28.
  • Must have Driving License.
  • The corporate position will be offered as per job experience and qualification as deserves. 

However. in the case of female candidates the maximum age shall be 5 years above the stated age.

How to Apply:

Interested candidates meeting the above criteria may apply along with the application, latest CV, passport size photograph, and photocopy of Citizenship by email to [email protected]. Applicants must clearly mention the Provinces number along with the position applied for, in the subject line of the email.

Only shortlisted candidates shall be called for further selection and interview. The bank reserves the right to accept or reject any applications without assigning any reason whatsoever.

Canvassing at any stage of the selection process shall lead to automatic disqualification. The deadline for application is 24.00 hrs, Ashwin 28, 2077.

Lumbini Bikas Bank Limited

4th Floor, Sunrise Bizpark, Dillibazar, Kathmandu


Phone: 01-4413232, 01-4421696

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Lumbini Bikas Bank Limited

Dillibazar, Kathmandu



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