Learning Realm International (L.R.I.) School invites applications along with cv from qualified candidates for the following posts latest by 5th Ashadh, 2079 (19th June 2022)
Position |
Qualification |
Experience |
Chemistry teacher |
Master's Degree in related subject |
3 Years |
Mathematics teacher |
Computer Science teacher |
Economics teacher |
English teacher |
Nepali teacher |
Civil and Criminal Law & Justice teacher |
Legal Drafting teacher |
Lab Assistant |
Bachelor's Degree in Science |
2 Years |
Short-listed candidates will be called for Interviews.
Learning Realm International (L.R.I.)
School of Science, Management and Law
Kalanki, Kathmandu
Contact : 01-5218515, 9851183147,
E-mail: [email protected]
School Job Job Vacancy Teaching Jobs