Lok Sewa Aayog Vacancy for Upa Sachiv (Foreign Affair Service)

Vacancy 12 Apr 2023 6568

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Lok Sewa Aayog Vacancy for Upa Sachiv (Foreign Affair Service): Nepal Foreign Service Gazetted Advertisement for Promotion, Internal Competition and Open Competitive Examination to Upa Sachiv Posts of 2nd Class

From the Hon'ble Supreme Court writ no. 079-WO-0437 dated 9/19/2079 for the implementation of the posting order dated 2079/9/19, since the following posts of Gazetted Second Class, Upa Sachiv or similar posts of Nepal Foreign Service have to be filled through internal competition and open competitive examination; Applications are invited from the candidates who meet the qualifications mentioned below and since the applications of the candidates who applied in the previously published internal competition and open advertisement and promotion notices for the said service and category on 26/26/2079 will be retained in the new promotion notices and advertisements; Such candidates do not have to submit the application again.

Service, Group, Subgroup, Type, Required No.

- Foreign Affairs, Gazetted II, Promotion by Seniority and Performance Appraisal -4

- Foreign Affairs, Gazetted II, promotion by performance appraisal -4

- Foreign Affairs, Gazetted II, Internal competition - 3

- Foreign Affairs, Gazetted II, Open 1 (one)

Things to be noted by the candidates for promotion by seniority and performance appraisal and promotion by performance appraisal:

(a) Should not be ineligible for promotion as per section 22 of the Civil Service Act, 2049.

(b) While filling the application form, the reference number obtained from the civil library must be mentioned compulsorily.

(c) In the case of educational qualifications for which equivalence has to be determined, a certified copy of the equivalence determination must be submitted compulsorily.

(d) Details as mentioned in all sections of the application form must be clearly disclosed.

(e) According to the Staff Adjustment Act, 2075, employees who have been adjusted at the union, state and local levels may be potential candidates for promotion to a position one grade or higher in the service/group/subgroup that was in place before the adjustment in accordance with sub-section 4 of section 14 of the same act.

(f) For promotion based on seniority and performance evaluation, as per Section 24 of the Civil Service Act, 2049 (Fourth Amendment), the candidate must be a potential candidate as well as one month or more in the relevant service, group or sub-group in a position below the grade to be promoted. A copy of the in-service training certificate must be submitted.

(g) For promotion through performance evaluation, there should be a potential candidate for promotion as per Section 21 of the Civil Service Act, 2049. According to Section 24A, 24B, 24C and 24D of the Civil Service Act, 2049, the evaluation of performance, seniority, working experience in geographical area, educational qualification and training will be calculated according to Section 24 of the Civil Service Act, 2049. In case of women, tribal / tribal, Madhesi, Dalit, disabled and disadvantaged candidates, it will be as per sub-section (2) of section 21 of the Civil Service Act, 2049. According to rule 123 of Civil Service Rules, 2050, if the service period is expired, it must be certified.

(h) Application form downloaded from the Public Service Commission website www.psc.gov.np and submitted by the concerned candidate to the application management center, Anamnagar and Commission offices outside Kathmandu Valley by application date 2080/2/2. You will have to do it. No action will be taken on applications received before the deadline.

(i) Application fee Rs. 2,000.- (two thousand) will have to be submitted.

(h) Notification No. published on 26/6/2079. For 438/079-80 and 439/079-80, only training, educational qualifications and experience acquired up to the last date of application will be counted.

(k) Other conditions of promotion shall be as mentioned in the promotion notices published on 26/6/2079.

Subjects to be Considered by the candidates applying for internal competition and open advertisement:-

1) Candidates who meet the specified minimum qualifications can apply through the commission's online application system psconline1.psc.gov.np.np up to 1/19/2080 and by paying double fees up to 1/26/2080.

2) Application fee Rs. 2,000 (two thousand) will have to be paid.

3) Must be 21 years old and not more than 45 years old by date 2079/7/15. There will be no age limit in case of permanent civil servants.

4) After submitting the application form online, the prescribed examination fee / double fee amount must be paid compulsorily within the office hours on the next day after the last date for submitting the application (if the said day is a public holiday, then the first day after the office opens).

5) Candidates should upload all necessary documents including educational qualification, training, experience in the designated place of online application system.

The candidate should be fully responsible for the details mentioned in the application.

6) Notification No. published on 26/6/2079. 440/079-80 only the educational qualification and experience acquired by the last date of application will be counted.

Other conditions of the advertisement will be as mentioned in the advertisement published on 26/6/2079.

Minimum Qualification Required:

1) For internal competition:- Completed 5 years of permanent service in gazetted third class post. According to sub-section (14A) of section 7 of the Civil Service Act, 2049, the positions to be promoted through the gazetted second-class internal competitive examination shall be those who have completed the prescribed service period and qualification for the post, Civil Service Act, 2049, Federal Parliament Secretariat Act, 2064 and Nepal Health Service. All employees working in the service as per Act, 2053 will be potential candidates. However, in the case of women, tribals/tribals, Madhesi, Dalits, disabled and civil servants with permanent residence in backward areas, it will be less than 1 year in 100 years of service. The minimum educational qualification prescribed for entry into the gazetted post of the third category of the service related to the advertised post should be attained.

(2) For Open:- Must have obtained a master's degree and must have acquired five years of experience in an officer-level position of an organized organization or international association, organization registered according to the prevailing law. In the case of a person who has obtained a bachelor's degree, the period of experience will be reduced by two years.

Publication date: 2079/12/29

Government Job Lok Sewa Aayog Job Vacancy Lok Sewa Aayog Vacancy Upa Sachiv

Lok Sewa Aayog

Anamnagar, Kathmandu

Estd. 1951


