Lok Sewa Aayog Vacancy for Technical Officer and Health Officer (7th and 8th Level): Public Service Commission (PSC) Advertisement for Gazetted Third Class (Technical) and Health Services 7th and 8th Level posts and inclusive competitive written examination
As civil service, federal parliament service, and the following services, group, sub-group, and category level internal competition, open and closed positions have to be promoted through competitive examination; Applications are invited from candidates who meet the following criteria.
Candidates who meet the specified minimum qualifications should apply through the commission's online application system https://www.psconline1.psc.gov.np.
Type of Examination: Written, Practical, and Interview. The medium of written examination will be as prescribed in the language-related course.
Examination Center:- Kathmandu. (Written examination for posts under the Education Administration Group of Nepal Education Service and posts under Civil Group of Nepal Engineering Service will be conducted in Dhankuta, Jaleshwar, Kathmandu, Pokhara, Butwal, Surkhet and Dipayal offices of the commission.)
Application Fee:- Application fee for each advertisement is Rs. 1,200.- (one thousand two hundred) will have to be submitted. In case of candidates applying in additional advertisement towards the inclusive group of posts of the same service/group/sub-group, for each additional group/type Rs. 400 (four hundred) additional fee will have to be submitted.
Last date for submission of application:: 2079-8-20 and till 2079-8-27
Candidate's age limit:: In case of civil service posts, 21 years of age by 2079-8-20 and not exceeding 35 years and in case of women and disabled candidates not exceeding 40 years.
- In case of health service posts, 21 years of age and not exceeding 45 years by 2079-8-20.
- There will be no age limit in the case of permanent civil servants.
Method and place of submission of application fee:- Through the online application system of the Application Fee Commission, cash can be paid directly from the designated bank by printing the bank voucher with Master ID and transaction number.
Period for submission of application fee:- Up to 2079-8-28 (within office hours).
Documents to be uploaded: Candidates should upload the documents specified in the relevant advertisement including educational qualification, training, experience, business permit certificate, and inclusive group opening the document in PDF format in the designated place of the online application system. The candidate should be fully responsible for the details mentioned in the application.
Pre-Interview Exam Schedule and Date of Interview:- Will be notified when the results of the written exam are published.
Details of the work to be done in the post: - Service, group related.
Salary:- As per prevailing law.
Service-related Ministry:- The relevant bodies assigned to conduct the administration of services, groups, sub-groups.
Minimum Qualification Required:
(a) For posts towards Health Services, Internal Competition
According to Section 26 of Nepal Health Service Act, 2053 (Fourth Amendment) and Rule 51 of Nepal Health Service Regulations, 2055 (with amendments), they should have completed the prescribed educational qualification and service period and should not be disqualified according to Section 27 of the Act. Based on Section 9(1) of the Nepal Health Service Act, 2053, there should be health service employees who have attained the required minimum qualifications as mentioned in Sub-rule 6 and Schedule 7 of Rule 74 of Nepal Health Service Regulations, 2055. Applicants must be registered with the concerned business council by the last date of application.
1) Health, General Nursing, Nursing Officer, 7th Level:- Graduation in Nursing from a recognized educational institution.
(b) For open
(a) For Civil Service:
In addition to not being disqualified according to Section 10 of the Civil Service Act, 2049, they must have obtained the following minimum educational qualifications specified under Rule 15 of the Civil Service Rules, 2050.
1) Economic Planning and Statistics, Statistics:- Master's degree or equivalent in Statistics or Mathematics or Demography or Applied Statistics from a recognized educational institution or Master's degree or equivalent in any subject including statistics.
2) Engineering, Civil, General:- Passed in Civil Engineering from a recognized educational institution with BE or equivalent.
3) Engineering, Civil, Highway:- Passed at least BE or equivalent in Civil Engineering or Highway Engineering or Transportation Engineering or Structural Engineering from a recognized educational institution.
4) Engineering, Civil, Sanitary:- Passed in Civil Engineering or Sanitary Engineering or Public Health Engineering with BE or equivalent from a recognized educational institution.
5) Engineering, Civil, Irrigation:- BE or equivalent in Civil Engineering from a recognized educational institution.
6) BE, Civil, Hydropower:- BE in Civil Engineering, Civil and Environmental Engineering, or Hydropower Engineering from a recognized educational institution. Or pass the same.
7) Engineering, Civil, Building, and Architect:- BE or equivalent in Architectural, or Civil or Building or Structural or Town Planning or Structural or Quantity Survey or Urban Planning from a recognized educational institution.
8) Engineering, Civil, Hydrology:- BE or equivalent in Civil Engineering from a recognized educational institution or Post Graduate Diploma in Hydrology or MSc in Geology with Hydrology or MSc in Meteorology with Hydrology or MTech or equivalent.
9) Engineering, Electrical, General Electrical :- BE or equivalent in Electrical Engineering from a recognized educational institution or at least with Electrical and Electronics subject in Electric Machine, Power System, Control System, Power Electronics, Switch Gear and Protection, Power Circuit Theory and Network or Passed B.Sc or BE or BTech or equivalent in Electrical and Computer Engineering.
10) Engineering, Mechanical, General Mechanical:- BE or equivalent in Mechanical Engineering or Automobile Engineering or Industrial Engineering from a recognized educational institution.
11) Engineering, mechanical, construction maintenance equipment: Passed BE or equivalent in Mechanical Engineering or Automobile Engineering from a recognized educational institution.
12) Engineering, Mining Engineering:- Passed BE, BSc, BTech or equivalent in mining from a recognized educational institution.
13) Engineering, Chemical Engineering:- Passed BE or equivalent in Chemical Engineering from a recognized educational institution or passed BTech or equivalent in Chemical Technology or MSc or equivalent in Petroleum Technology and Management.
14) Engineering, Metrology:- MSc in Physics or Mathematics or Graduation or equivalent in Mechanical or Electrical Engineering or Graduation in Science or equivalent with at least three months training in metrology from a recognized educational institution.
15) Engineering, Meteorology:- BSc or equivalent in Meteorology from a recognized educational institution or Bachelor's degree in Science with at least one year of training as per WMO standards.
16 ) Engineering, Geology, General Geology :- MSc or equivalent in Geology or Applied Geology or Engineering Geology or Hydro Geology or Geochemistry or Geological Engineering or Geophysics from a recognized educational institution.
17) Engineering, Survey:- Graduation or equivalent in Survey or Geomatics Engineering from a recognized educational institution. In accordance with the notification of Part 5 of the Gazette published on 2068-8-21, the notification regarding educational qualification will be published in the Gazette dated 2066-5-12. .
18) Engineering, Chemistry:- Passed MSc or equivalent in Chemistry from a recognized educational institution.
19) Agriculture, Livestock Production and Dairy Development:- BSc Ag Pass or BTech (Dairy Technology) or BVSc & AH or BVSc/ DVM or BTech & (Livestock Extension) with Animal Science as main subject or equivalent.
20) Agriculture, Crop Development:- Graduate in Agricultural Science (BSc Ag) or equivalent from a recognized educational institution.
21) Agriculture, Crop Protection:- Graduation in Agricultural Science (BSc Ag) or equivalent from a recognized educational institution.
22) Agriculture, Soil Science:- Graduated in Agricultural Science (BSc Ag) or equivalent from a recognized educational institution.
23) Agriculture, Veterinary:- BVSc & AH or BVSc or DVM or equivalent from a recognized educational institution and registered with Nepal Veterinary Council.
24) Agriculture, Ag Engineering:- Graduate level (BSc Ag) or equivalent in Agricultural Engineering from a recognized educational institution.
25) Agriculture, Food Nutrition and Quality Control: Graduation in Food Science / Food Technology / Food Engineering of at least 4 years duration from a recognized educational institution or graduation in General Science in Food Science / Food Technology / Food Engineering / Food Safety / Food Biotechnology / Passed Master's degree of at least 2 years duration in any one of Food Microbiology / Food Toxicology / Food Biochemistry Human Nutrition.
26) Different groups of agricultural service:- As mentioned in the clarification of Nepal Gazette Part 1 published on 2069-8-24, "The educational qualification specified above for different categories of different groups in different cases will be applicable to the civil servants who joined the service before the publication of this notice. No, and in the case of such civil servants, it will not be according to the rules mentioned in the Civil Code.
27) Forestry, General Forestry:- Bachelor's degree or equivalent in Forestry from a recognized educational institution with at least three subjects from Silviculture, Forest Resource Measurement (Forest Mensuration), Forest Conservation, Forest Research, Forest Management, and Wildlife Conservation.
28) Forest, National Parks, and Wildlife:- Graduation or equivalent in Forestry Science or Wildlife Management or, Wildlife Ecology or Parks and Recreation or Natural Resource Management from a recognized educational institution.
Miscellaneous, Computer Officer: Graduate in Computer Science, or Graduate in Computer Engineering or 3 years graduation with major subject Computer Science or Graduation in Science with at least 9 months diploma in System Analysis Design and Software Development from an approved institution.
29) Miscellaneous, Computer Engineer:- Graduate in Computer Engineering or Graduate in Electronic Engineering, or Graduate in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, or Graduate in Electronic and Communication Engineering.
30) Miscellaneous, Environmental Inspector:- Obtained Master's Degree in Environmental Science or Environmental Management or Environmental Engineering from a recognized educational institution.
31) Education, Education Administration, Inspection:- Passed as equivalent to Bachelor's degree in Education from a recognized educational institution.
32) Education, Education Administration, English:- Bachelor's degree in Education or equivalent with English as the main subject from a recognized educational institution.
33) Education, Art, Visual Arts (Repographer/Image):- Bachelor's degree or diploma in Imagery from a recognized educational institution or have completed at least 6 months of training in Imagery or Reprography.
34) Education, Archaeology, Archaeology:- Graduation or equivalent in Archeology from a recognized educational institution or Master's Degree in History or Culture or Graduation or equivalent in Archeology or Dance or Archival Science with a degree or diploma.
35) Education, Library Science:- Graduation in library science from a recognized educational institution or equivalent at the graduation level and at least 6 months of training in library science from a recognized institution.
(b) Towards Federal Parliament Service
In addition to not being disqualified in accordance with Section 20 of the Federal Parliament Secretariat Act, 2064, they must have obtained the following minimum educational qualifications specified in accordance with Rule 14 of the Federal Parliament Secretariat Staff Administration Regulations, 2065.
1) Computer Program, Federal Parliament, Information Technology:- Graduate degree in Computer Science or Computer Engineering or Information Technology from a recognized educational institution.
2) Electronics Engineer, Federal Parliament, Technical:- Graduated in Electronics Engineering or Electronics and Communication Engineering from a recognized educational institution.
3) Librarian of the Federal Parliament, Education and Printing:- Graduated in Library Science from a recognized educational institution.
(d) For health services:
In addition to not being disqualified according to section 12 of the Nepal Health Service Act, 2053, he should have obtained the following educational qualifications mentioned in Schedule-6 of the Nepal Health Regulations, 2055. Applicants must be registered with the relevant professional council by the last date of application and must remain valid.
1) Health, Public Health Service, Medical Officer, 8th level:- Obtained MBBS or equivalent degree from a recognized educational institution.
2) Health, Dentistry, Dental Surgeon, 8th level:- Obtained BDSc or BDS degree from a recognized educational institution.
3) Health, Ayurveda, General Ayurveda, Ayurveda Doctor, 8th level:- Graduate degree in Ayurveda medicine from a recognized educational institution.
4) Health, Miscellaneous, Biomedical Engineering, Biomedical Engineering, 8th Level:- Graduated in Biomedical Engineering or Medical Electronic Engineering from a recognized educational institution.
5) Health, General Nursing, Nursing Officer, 7th level:- Graduation in nursing from a recognized educational institution.
6) Health, MLT, Medical Lab Technologist, 7th Level:- Graduate degree in Medical Lab Technology from a recognized educational institution.
7) Health, MLT, Medical Microbiology, Microbiologist, 7th Level:- Graduate in Medical Microbiology from a recognized educational institution.
8) Health, Physiotherapy, Physiotherapist, 7th Level:- Graduated in Physiotherapy from a recognized educational institution.
9) Health, Pharmacy, Pharmacy Officer, 7th Level:- Graduated in Pharmacy from a recognized educational institution.
10) Health, Radiography, Radiography, Radiography Technologist, 7th Level:- Graduate degree in Radiography from a recognized educational institution.
11) Health, Radiography, Radiotherapy, Radiotherapy Technologist, 7th Level: Bachelor's degree in Radiography from a recognized educational institution.
Special instructions regarding application documents and experience to be submitted by the candidate:
Candidates who want to apply should submit the following documents at the time of application. After being selected for the interview based on the results of the written test, when coming for the interview, you should bring copies of such documents along with self-attested copies.
If the mentioned documents are not with the candidate at the time of submitting the application, the application can be submitted at any time.
Additional documents required for candidates applying towards Inclusive Group
(a) In the case of tribals/tribes: In the case of castes listed in the Nepal Tribal Upliftment National Foundation Act, on the basis of the same list, but if there is more than one surname within the castes listed in the Nepal Tribal Upliftment National Foundation Act, listed by the chief district officer on the recommendation of the head of the concerned local level. A document certifying that it is a surname within the caste.
(b) In the case of Dalits: Based on the same list in the case of castes listed by the National Dalit Commission, however, if there is more than one surname within the caste listed by the National Dalit Commission, a document certified by the Chief District Officer as a surname within the listed caste on the recommendation of the head of the local level concerned.
(c) In the case of disabled persons: Disability ID card issued by the Social Welfare Council or Disability ID card issued by the relevant local level stating the classification of disability according to sub-section (3) of Section 4 of the Act on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, 2074.
(d) In the case of Madhesi: A document certified as Madhesi by the organization specified by the Government of Nepal by the publication of a notice in the Nepal Gazette, but a document certified as Madhesi by the chief district officer on the recommendation of the head of the concerned local level until the organization is designated by publication in the Nepal Gazette.
(e) In the case of backward areas: Sub-section (7) of Section 7 of the Civil Service Act, 2049, Sub-section (6) of Section 17 of the Federal Parliament Secretariat Act, 2064 Explanation Clause 1) and Section 8 of the Health Services Act, 2053 Clarification of sub-section (5) in the district mentioned in clause (1) based on the recommendation of 3 months prior to the date of filling the application form, a certificate of citizenship obtained from the relevant district and a document certifying that the current permanent residence is in the same place from the relevant local level.
If citizenship is obtained from a district other than the district of permanent residence, a letter stating the reason for doing so, obtained from the district administration office that issued citizenship, sub-section (7) of section 7 of the Civil Service Act, 2049, sub-section (6) of section 17 of the Federal Parliament Secretariat Act, 2064 ) and if married or moved to the district mentioned in sub-section (5) of section 5 of the Health Services Act, 2053, a marriage registration certificate in case of marriage and in case of migration, a document revealing the migration of the local level/organization left and gone.
(a) In the case of candidates who require a period of experience, the minimum period of service should be completed by the last date of receipt of an application for the respective post.
(b) The period of double duty shall not be counted for the purpose of age, educational qualification, period of experience, and other qualifications.
(c) Not submitted within the period specified by the Commission or not meeting the minimum qualification or not disclosing other specified details or not submitting the prescribed fee
(d) Candidates requesting an assistant writer should contact the concerned office of the commission at least 7 (seven) days before the commencement of the written examination. Otherwise, the commission will not be obliged to provide a co-author.
(e) Candidates who pass the written test must submit copies of the certificates of educational qualification, citizenship, and service experience, certified by the head of the relevant office, and duplicate copies of the documents mentioned to be submitted for inclusive and open application candidates before the interview. will have to do.
(f) Must have attained the prescribed educational qualification within the last date of application. Candidates who have studied in foreign institutions must have their qualifications determined by the relevant authorities.
(g) Candidates must use only black ink in the examination, otherwise, the answer sheet will be canceled.
(h) Syllabus is available from the Commission website www.psc.gov.np.