Lok Sewa Aayog Vacancy for 5th Level Staff Nurse

Vacancy 16 Mar 2022 27306

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Lok Sewa Aayog Vacancy for 5th Level Staff Nurse: Public Service Commission, Central Office, Information and Publications Branch, Special advertisement for the post of Staff Nurse of Nepal Health Service, General Nursing Group

According to the decision of the Council of Ministers of the Government of Nepal dated 2078-11-16, “As per the decision of the Public Service Commission dated 2078-12-01, a request has been made to immediately fill up 300 (three hundred) posts of Nepal Health Service, General Nursing Group, Fifth Level, Staff Nurse. The following number of advertisements have been published to fill the post through open and inclusive competitive examination.

Candidates who have passed the certificate level in the subject of Nursing from a recognized educational institution will have to apply through the online application system of the Commission.

Candidates who have reached the minimum qualification specified in the special notice for Public Service Commission, Kathmandu office candidates will have to apply through the online application system of the Commission www.psconline.psc.gov.np by 2078-12-22 and pay the double fee by 2078-12-29.

Vacancy Details:

Position / Service / Group / Level Type Req. No.
Staff Nurse, Health, General Nursing, 5th Level Open 165
Staff Nurse, Health, General Nursing, 5th Level Women 45
Staff Nurse, Health, General Nursing, 5th Level Adivasi Janajati 36
Staff Nurse, Health, General Nursing, 5th Level Madhesi 29
Staff Nurse, Health, General Nursing, 5th Level Dalit 13
Staff Nurse, Health, General Nursing, 5th Level Apangga 7
Staff Nurse, Health, General Nursing, 5th Level Pichhadiyako Kshetra (Backward Area) 5
Total 300

Special Information for Candidates:

1) Candidates who have reached the prescribed minimum qualification should apply through the online application system of the Commission www.ppsconline.psc.gov.np by 2078-12-22 and by paying a double fee till 2078-12-29.

2) Application fee is Rs. 400 (four hundred) will have to be paid. In case of the candidate applying for additional advertisement on behalf of the inclusive group, the additional group will be charged Rs. 200 (two hundred) additional fee will have to be paid.

3) Candidate should have completed 18 years of age and not exceeding 45 years by 2078-12-22. There will be no age limit for permanent civil servants.

4) after submitting the application through an online medium; In case of late payment of double fee, within the next day of office hours (on the first day of office opening if there is a public holiday on that day) the prescribed regular examination fee / double fee amount must be paid through Connect IPS or bank.

5) Candidate should upload the documents specified in the advertisement including educational qualification, training, experience, business permit certificate, inclusive group opening the document in the specified place of the online application system in PDF format. All candidates should scan the front of their citizenship certificate and upload it in JPEG format. The candidate himself should be fully responsible for the details mentioned in the application.

6) Duration of Experience In case of advertisements required: The minimum service period should have been completed by the last date of application for the specified post. The duration of the double fee will not be calculated for the purpose of age, educational qualification, period of experience, and other qualifications.

7) According to the Employees Adjustment Act, 2075, civil servants working in the fifth tier or similar posts before the adjustment will not be allowed to be candidates in this advertisement.

8) Candidates who pass the written test must submit a permanent certificate of educational qualification, citizenship, service experience certified by the concerned head of office if required before submitting the interview and also submit the copy along with the original of the mentioned documents for an inclusive and open application. 

9) Must have achieved the prescribed educational qualification by the last date of application.

Candidates who have studied in a foreign institution should have determined the equivalent of the qualification they have obtained from the concerned body within the same period. However, in the case of candidates who are unable to submit the application by the last day of application by submitting a single fee after completing the prescribed academic qualification from the Universities of Nepal. Details stating that the examination results have been published by the concerned university within the last day of the day and that the concerned student from the concerned university or educational institution has passed all the examinations for the degree within that period (all year/semester examinations, thesis, practical and other requirements). Such candidates will be deemed to have completed the minimum qualification if they submit the letter of inclusion and the certificate of all semesters.

Candidates applying in the inclusive group of Adivasi / Janajati, Madhesi, Dalit, disabled and backward areas will have to prepare and apply as mentioned in the advertisement of non-gazetted first-class technical and health care fifth tier posts published in the Commission dated 2078-10-26.

10) If the documents to be submitted by the candidate are not found to be valid at the time of application, the application may be canceled at any time.

11) The regular advertisement of Health Service, General Nursing Group, Fifth Level, Staff Nurse post published by the Commission on 2078-10-26 will be published after the examination program. The examination center shall be as published by the Public Service Commission, Kathmandu Office.

12) Curriculum / Syllabus can be obtained from the Commission's website www.psc.gov.np.

Government Job Health Job Lok Sewa Aayog Lok Sewa Aayog Vacancy

Lok Sewa Aayog

Anamnagar, Kathmandu

Estd. 1951


