Lok Sewa Aayog Announces Application Submission of Nayab Subba

Vacancy 14 Jun 2023 8630

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Lok Sewa Aayog Announces Application Submission of Nayab Subba

The Public Service Commission's (PSC) Information and Publication Branch recently released an important update regarding the application process. This announcement primarily concerns those candidates who were exempted from submitting their applications and application fees due to a problem with the PSC's online application system on 2079-11-23.

Now, these candidates must adhere to the new deadline: Ashad 5, 2080, to submit their applications via the PSC's online portal, accessible at http://www.psconline1.psc.gov.np/.

Non-Gazetted First Class (Technical) Nayab Subba or Equivalent Posts

Candidates applying for the Non-Gazetted First Class (Technical) Nayab Subba or equivalent posts should note the following:

  • Applications and fees should be submitted in accordance with the gazette published by the Commission in Magh, 2079.
  • This also applies to the assistant first (technical) post in the National Human Rights Service and the fifth level of health service.
  • Even those candidates who had already submitted applications and paid fees before this update will need to reapply and pay the application fee again.

Non-Gazetted First Class (Non-Technical) Nayab Subba or Similar Posts

For candidates applying for the Non-Gazetted First Class (Non-Technical) Nayab Subba or similar posts:

  • Only those who have not yet applied in accordance with notification no. 1173-079-80, dated 2079-11-5, need to submit the application and application fee now.
  • This notice is in line with the results of the examination conducted for the local level on 2076-2-15.

Moreover, all candidates are expected to follow the Hon'ble Supreme Court's interim order. Accordingly, they must upload a separate application in the "Experience" section of the PSC's online application system without age restrictions. This includes candidates who have already submitted applications and paid fees. They, too, will need to resubmit their applications and pay the fees again.

Final Submission Date: The deadline for all submissions is 2080-3-05.

Lok Sewa Aayog Lok Sewa Aayog Vacancy Nayab Subba Notice

Lok Sewa Aayog

Anamnagar, Kathmandu

Estd. 1951


