Devghat Rural Municipality, Office of the Rural Municipal Executive, Devghat, Tanahun, Gandaki Province, Nepal, Notice Regarding Requirement of Local Community Facilitator.
As there is a need for Local Community Facilitators to work within Devghat Rural Municipality for the Community Forest Rights Assurance Program in Nepal, conducted in partnership between the Federation of Community Forest Users Nepal, Indigenous Nationalities Research and Development Centre (CIPRED), and Green Foundation Nepal, through coordination with local government and local communities, interested citizens meeting the following qualifications are informed to submit an application along with the required documents to this office within seven days from the date of publication of this notice (by 2081/12/13) during office hours.
Position Details:
Position: Local Community Facilitator
Number of Positions: 2
Required Qualifications:
The minimum academic qualification should be the completion of Grade 10, along with experience and training related to forestry.
Type of examination: Interview
Salary scale: As per the institution's rules
Age should be at least 18 years and not exceeding 45 years
Must be a permanent resident of Devghat Rural Municipality
Documents to be Submitted:
(a) Application with affixed photograph
(b) Copy of Nepali citizenship certificate
(c) Copy of experience certificate (if any)
(d) Copy of the academic qualification certificate
After evaluating the applicant's qualifications and experience, a shortlist will be published, and candidates will be called for an interview. Applications that are incomplete or submitted after the deadline will not be processed.
For more information, contact: Kavita Kadel – 9845507132
First Date of Publication: 2081/12/07